
Yeah :-/ God I really, really want them to recast him. This fucker needs to go.

There’s been “stuff” with almost every ex - rumours that he abused Winona, rumours that he abused Kate, even rumours that he abused Vanessa late in their relationship. The rumours go back to the 90s.

What the hell? Crimes aren’t like a “first one’s free” deal. A statement from one (or ten) ex-girlfriends is totally worthless. If this was his first crime, it’s still a crime.

I doubt that Rowling knowingly advocated for the casting of a wife-beater. Considering that filming for Fantastic Beasts was completed 5 months before Heard filed her divorce complaint, he would have been cast long before her abuse became public. In 2015, when the movie started filming, Depp and Heard were a

I’m guess I’m just not clear why you think violently, viciously abusing only one woman (that we know of) equals “deserving a second chance.”

It was a good show

Same. I hope somehow they recast him.

“I hope she and Elon Mysk have a great relationship and a happy life.”

I hope they recast the part. They recast Dumbledore because they had to, they can recast this role too.

Why oh why did you cast him in a critical role JK Rowling, a role that will last over a decade...

While I’m glad additional corroboration is coming to light that supports Amber Heard’s statements, I am appalled that this is what is required to believe a woman’s word on intimate partner violence.

I just saw her on a Botched marathon like three days ago! What made me extra sad for her was that she’s had the same boyfriend since high school, and he definitely seems to be enabling her dysfunction. Like, if you want to play God, dude, why not put your own pasty body under the knife instead of hers?

Nothing says, “While you’re here, feel free to rub one out,” like the SI Swimsuit issue.

SI Swimsuit Issue, For the classy dad or when you want to leave your house-guests some casual jerkoff material in your bathroom.

Butt implants to match her breasts.

Yeah, my first thought wasn’t “oh, look! he’s lost weight!” it was “Oh, no...is he sick?!”

She was on the show Botched & they denied her.

I don’t know about big.

I am all for people being healthy and doing their part to help others do the same, but the Rev here is just one of them dudes that is supposed to be big. He looks like a 10 year old found an old person’s head... and then a cell phone.

She used some kind of injectable chemical tanner. I remember watching a video about her before she went “full black” (no words) where she and her messed up boyfriend talked about it.