
The woman was too drunk to consent.

Today is also my cousin’s birthday. Like literally, she was born five hours ago. She is also not under investigation.

SWEET! I had June 14th in the pool! You guys owe me so much ice cream! I won! I won!

I doubt that even if obvious evidence of obstruction of justice is found and announced, as long as the Republicans continue to get goodies from him, they’ll never even try to impeach him.

If this doesn’t get his tax returns surely one of the lawsuits will.

The tax returns will show that he has money, and all of it comes from Russian banks / mobsters. He is so beholden to Russia that he cannot ever get out from under the giant conflict of interest cloud that represents. Trump’s “money” is likely so dirty it generates its own compost.

It’s not the current slump that worries me: it’s things like overpopulation and climate change that make me reconsider my desire to have kids. Sure, nuclear war was terrifying to my parents and grandparents, but it was never a certainty. But these things? They are certainties because they’re causing problems right

Me too, man. Is it denial, arrogance, naivete...? I feel bad and of course I would never say anything to my friends with kids, but I don’t get it. The world is currently being destroyed at an alarming rate. It’s going to be harder and harder for people to cut out some sort of existence.

I adopted and am now the mother of a total badass teenager who has decided to go into politics to fight the power. No new babies were brought into the world and yet the next generation has at least one fighter from my household. Seriously, adoption is the greatest.

Having children is not rational. Never has been, never will be. They ruin your snatch, your bank account and your social life. Best decision I ever made.

Damn Ilana looks fine!

It’s Zoe Kravitz, who hit the genetic jackpot with Lisa and Lenny as her parents! 

Yeah. For me it’s not even the political climate because that could change at the drop of a hat. But the long term effects of global warming? That shit is scary and I’d be terrified to bring a baby into the world right now when everything re saving the environment and how we’re gonna do it is so uncertain.

One of the numerous reasons I’m not having kids. There are a lot of them and I suspect if it’s something you really want it’s not a reason that would stop most people.

Honestly? Because I want so, so badly to be a mother, and even the knowledge that I want to adopt children as well has done nothing to stem the desire to give birth to my own biological children. Even when I was a kid, I wanted to be a mom. I try to tamp that shit down because no one cares and it frightens even

Midwife here who does 75% home births. Would not recommend a home birth for Beyoncé due to age, twins, and possibly other health factors. ALLLLLLL for home births but not for risking unnecessarily.

I realize that I am going to have to dismiss 500 comments, but HOW MUCH MORE FUCKERY HAS TO GO DOWN before people realize this is not a great environment in which to raise children right now?

I didn’t think that the video was particularly sexual. She dances around her room for a bit, but I got the impression it was supposed to be awkward - like a teen making their first embarrassing attempts at sexiness.

Selena Gomez will be turning 25 next month. She is not a child, and she is allowed to be a sexual person even if she doesn’t look the way you think she should.

her baby looks crossed with her adult sexxxxualllitay always creep me out.