
I can attest, as a black person, that we're constantly required to justify our experiences with racial bias. Why would you ever think your expressions re: race would be received any differently? This is not a rhetorical question, I'm genuinely curious.

Fuck her. Seriously. I wish I had something deeper, or more articulate to say about this but…. I got nothing else.

Black funeral guest: What term would you use for a Black person lusting after a White person?

Marvel's bankruptcy was a result of the collapse of the speculator market, not a lack of sales.
I get what you're saying but, in Marvel's case, they didn't change the skins/gender of established characters like DC did when they made a black Wally West a few years ago. They had new characters assuming established

Idk. While I didn't necessarily agree with some of the choices Marvel made, I understand the logic behind building off of established legacies to introduce new characters. And, to be fair, that approach did work in a couple of cases - Ms. Marvel's been great. Miles Morales has officially become an A-list character

A good book on this subject is The South Side: A Portrait of Chicago and American Segregation by Natalie Moore.

Bruh, Chris Brown won a Grammy and was nominated for 7 others after he beat up Rihanna.

What's wrong with criticizing a piece of media when it does something you find objectionable?

Hey, white folks can be hella creepy.

I don't see how that idea would downplay life experiences. I don't believe whiteness keeps a person from being disadvantaged or keeps bad things from happening from them. I just believe that whiteness lends a noticeable social advantage to white people in comparison to black people. And, yeah, that social advantage is

Personally, I think you're making a false equivalence. Yes, people live in specific places, but you can't just separate a location from the larger context it's placed in when you're talking about a subject as pervasive as race/racism. Growing up in a majority POC area isn't going to somehow make a white kid immune

Structural racism and individual racism are distinct concepts. The fact that laymen improperly use the ideas interchangeably doesn't mean that the concept of structural racism shouldn't be propagated, or that it's untrue.

I think where the disconnect comes from is that I'm not sure black people think of racism in those small terms. Clearly, I can't speak for every other black person, but just recalling my own own conversations discussing racism with other black people, it's always framed in a larger "systemic" context.

I would call that racism, but not "oppression" as the OP put it. I think anybody can be the victim of racism. I am a black person; I know for a fact that we can be as bigoted as anybody else. But, like everything else in life, there's levels to this stuff. Saying a white person can be a victim of racialized oppression

You're not a victim of racial oppression because you are a white person. You benefit from the social privilege that comes with being a white person in a Eurocentric society.

Yeah, they do happen on a daily basis. But a woman hitting a man isn't an excuse for him to hit her back. A real man, in that situation, maintains his self-control and doesn't react violently.

But you are arguing that "…it's wrong if a woman provokes violence from a man," on a thread talking about Chris Brown and domestic abuse. Whether intentional or not, you're suggesting that Rihanna provoked her own assault.

But, by the same token, you weren't there either. So how are you so confident in declaring that Rihanna "provoked" Chris Brown into beating her up?

You got that backwards; he allegedly got beat up by Frank Ocean.

Is it really that hard to believe, though?