
What do you mean by "gender wars?"

For me, the conversation typically goes something like;
Me: "Yo, that (bass ackwards opinion re: women) makes no sense and is actually very hypocritical."
Me: "Really? How?"
Them: *Crickets*

"…to be quite honest, the internet happened. Namely personal blogs and digital magazines and places like Twitter and Facebook and Tumblr."
I can attest; Jezebel, Huffpost & Crunk Feminist Collective made me take a long, hard look at myself.

You can get good ones off Amazon for between $9 and $18. I spent about 30-something for mine. That's what I get for buying clothes at the farmer's market….

I jumped on the dashiki train this summer. Light, breezy, loose-fitting so they don't stick to the body when you sweat (only downside is that I found out after the fact that I got overcharged).

Living in Chicagoland and getting to know people from the city really demystified a lot of the notions I'd had regarding Chicago.
Want to see the intersection of segregation and gentrification in action? Just go East to West across Humbolt Park.

When I was an undergrad, I got told that I "looked like I was from DC" several times. I'm still not sure what that means.

I'd definitely wear it, though I'd prefer going with a pink shirt and some khaki slacks or chinos. I' can't really deal with white pants.

When I was 19, I ran into a girl who was not about the tenderness. No slow buildup, no butterfly kisses, just get down on it and suck like it's my first night in Hollywood.

"…I needed a few times to build up my tongue strength."
Giving me flashbacks to summertime 05'.

I give good heed by taking such novel things such as:
1) listening to suggestions;
2) paying attention to body language;
3) asking if she wants the c l i t romanced, or if she just want a savage;
4) trying to establish beforehand what her position is on stuff involving the b u t t;
5) not assuming what worked on one woman

Honestly, I'm all for any app that will help me find every T'nah Apex lookalike in the Metro Atlanta area.

Wait, hol' up…Bendis is writing the new Iron-Man?

I've never called the police for anything; I've never felt like I ever had a need to. But this has got me reviewing events in my life, thinking, "had I been White, would I have called the cops when ______ happened?"

I think it really all depends on how they build the setting. Chicago circa-2016 is both radically different and oddly similar to Chicago 1964. The city is still incredibly segregated along racial lines, gangs are still a problem, lack of opportunity is still a problem. But, nowadays, the projects are gone, gangs- as

Happy Birthday!!

This is stupid! This is pointless! This is stupidly pointless!

Never change, Fat Jew.

Okay. Ya got me Hollywood; I'm genuinely curious as to how this movie would work while set in contemporary Chicago.

No, your statement was just extremely nebulous so I'm having difficulty grasping whatever point you're trying to make.