
Why would you think I'd want you to apologize for anything you said?

Dude, don't play with people. That woman probably doesn't want a relationship based on obligation; just break it off.

I can see why people would think he's corny, but I strongly disagree with any claims that WB has ever shucked and jived for anybody.

I've never seen that show. Was it good?

Whoa, calm down. I'm not turning this into anything. I was mentioning my hangups about some people who date interracially. I wasn't in any way trying to insinuate anything about you. Notice, I haven't even made any comments about you AT ALL, so I really don't see why you're getting in your feelings.
As to your

Samurai Jack is coming back…nice. Now all I need is a continuation of Sym-bionic Titan.

Yo, real talk, Wayne Brady is the realest n*gga in entertainment. No, I'm not being sarcastic. Yes, I am 100% serious.

What's the level beneath #BaselineTallManTwitter?
#MMAMiddleweightContender? #RapperWithLilInTheirName? #30inchInseamTwitter?

Where do you think that anger comes from? Using myself as an example; most of the time, I don't care if someone dates outside of their race. However, I've found I have an almost instinctual contempt for Black people who say that don't or won't date Black women/men.

Yes. Yes to all of this.

This is making me glad I'm not on Twitter; I'd never get any work done.

….And the North too. I lived for some years around Chicago; it wasn't any different.

That really would be the final insult, wouldn't it?

Wow. I'm not one to wish death on anyone, but Zimmerman really needs to chill. If he stay's pressing lines, somebody is going to take his head off.

I'm a Black man from South Carolina that grew up around a lot of White people; every single cultural signifier you applied to Blacks (casual homophobia, religiosity, support for corporal punishment) could be just as appropriately be applied to Whites. None of that stuff is particularly unique to any one group of

Care to elaborate, or are you comfortable making flat generalizations about my people?

I'd say yes, but I've really enjoyed this entire season so make of that what you will.

Wait, what? What are you basing this off of?

I imagine Azaelia Banks is the type of woman granny was referring to when said, "if a bitch can throw a punch, she can take a punch".

Honestly, yeah. A lot of y'all do.