
Maybe it's a sign that- at their core- the writers of The 100 are a bunch of cynical fucks? I genuinely don't get this. I mean, I get Emmerson; of course he'd show back up to take revenge. It's not like he's got anything else to live for. What I don't get is what this show is trying to tell us re:

He's only known in New York?

It might be a regional thing; down South, I never heard much about Big Pun- or really any NY rappers that weren't what you could consider "top-tier".

Wow. The cover art on 90's albums was atrocious!

Emmerson came back. So, what, is the morale of that story? Screw mercy; some muthafuckas just need to get got?

Awww. Thx!

I just heard. Is this for real?

Which one would I be? C'mon you can tell me.

Good for you Patti. She really hit on an important point; for anyone with an absent father, it's important that you find your own ways to deal with it. Personally, I've found injecting some humor into my bad memories into jokes helps me from getting mad about them.
I've still got some anger towards my dad, but I don't

Hol' up. Just saw NPR. Apparently Tubman will only be on the front of the bill; Andrew Jackson is going to still be on the back.

If it was, women would have an estrous cycle, not a menstrual cycle.

Yes. And even as a kid, it annoyed me.

As a man, I'm offended by what Badu said.

But…but…he made Run the Jewels!!!
Seriously though, seeing Killer Mike stump for a presidential candidate is never not going to be weird.

Can we just do away with the concept of being "down" altogether?

What's wrong with Killa-Kill from Adamsville?

What you just said reminds me of something; on the day of my High School graduation one of my big cousins explicitly told me to have a lot of s ex while I was in college because he, "works with guys that are 30, 40 years old and act like they never been around puXXy in their life." I haven't thought about in years.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you get over the shyness? For me, it was just getting some friends who liked the same dumb things I did. They showed me I could be myself and people would still like me.

Gotta keep things fresh.

No idea. Maybe it was the environment having an effect on everyone. Durham isn't a small city, but I'd say its not as wealthy or as buzzing as DC- it's definitely a recognizably blue-collar town. Try to flex too much and people will look at you funny.