
Which is a shame, because of the few times I've actually seen him speak, Marshawn Lynch sounded like a pretty sharp guy. I mean, he's no Fulbright Scholar, but he doesn't come across as an idiot.

My dad split when I was about 5, but even before that my mom was the only one to provide any discipline/punishments.

It's the dudes that put "University of the Streets" under their "Education" tab on Facebook.

I wonder if we'd even be having this conversation if Ciara had dated and gotten engaged to Marshawn Lynch instead of Russell Wilson.

All of that good melanin is just wasted on Ben Carson.

Reading it back, that story does sound kind of dark, lol. But, honestly, the view I take of my dad is "it could have been a lot worse". I mean the guy was never physically or verbally abusive, he was just gone.

You're not a downer. Sometimes the best gift someone can give you is their absence.

If I ever have children I'm just going to remember all the things my dad did, and then not do those things.

My earliest clear memory of my dad is- no lie- the time he picked me up from school when I was 5 or 6 and kept me out all night while he drove all around Columbia trying to cop some rocks. I remember stopping at what I now realize was probably a crack house, sometime after the sun went down. I spent the rest of the

My dad was smoking that stuff for most of my childhood. And by "stuff" I mean crack. You have no idea how much I envy your ability to assess your dad as a person.

My father's absence led me to years of awkward anxiousness in any situation that involved being "masculine," because I was too creeped out to talk to my mom about things like; how to talk to a girl; erections; p0rn; safe $ e x; guns; how to fight; etc.
At this point I don't think I'm mad at my dad anymore but I also

Mmmh, mmh, mmh!

So, Bruce is going to be sleeping rough on the streets of Gotham City with Selina. At the very least, I hope he brought some protection (and by protection, I mean condoms).

You know what the frustrating thing is about white fragility (that's an awesome term, btw)? If you just shut up and listen, you can learn some valuable things about what other groups of people are going through, but a lot of people are just squandering that chance because they want to get defensive.
For instance,

I keep seeing people (mostly White people) making the comment that race relations are the worst they've been in decades and it's all, somehow, Obama's fault. That's ridiculous. Race relations are healthiest they've been in a while; know why? White folks can't just ignore us anymore.
People of color (Black, Brown, Red

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

No need to get snippy with me, babycakes. We just having some words.

Because "ho's" are more fun, obviously.

I thought Bert was supposed to be Dominican, not Mexican.

Idk. I'd be interested in seeing if the writers could pull it off. Also, what's so bad about Monty? I feel sorry for him, more than anything else.