
As to why, the best answer I can give you is: because you can.

Nah. It's totally possible to have consistent chex with someone you don't like.

I stopped trying to follow the X-Men years ago. I guess I'm not getting back on that horse with All-New, All-Different.

Honestly, I'm drawing from my own experience and the assumptions I used to make about women and topics like feminism/slut shaming/rape culture, etc. I'm not a woman and I'll never experience all the sh*t that can come with their side of the gender dynamic, but I can be educated so that I'm not making the sh*t any

I've been thinking; now that K.O.O. is the "Princess" of the Candy Kingdom, is the Ice King going to come and try to kidnap him? Because kidnapping princesses is kind of his thing.

My libido doesn't see color.

Wow. Starchy went to kind of a dark place.

I've always seen it less as being conditioned to just take BS and more resigned to the fact that there's just some things White people won't get.

I hadn't thought of that. I can count the number of wealthy Black people I've ever met on one hand, so I'm pretty ignorant to the ways of the upper-class.

Don't try to pander to me Carson! I'm on to you!

Like a lot of people have pointed out, this movie is an adaptation of Lysistrata. The thing is
Lysistrata is a comedy. Plus, the focus of the play isn't on violence. The Peloponnesian War between Sparta and Athens is just the catalyst for the real focus of the story; the uneven sexual dynamics found in a highly

While I was watching the trailer I kept saying to myself, "I've seen this before somewhere…"

I admit I wasn't prepared for them but, at the same time, many of them weren't prepared for me. I'm the type that's going to sit them down and explain why all of those assumptions that they're making are wrong. Still, it gets aggravating when you have to explain basic stuff like what Blackface is and why it's

LOL, yeah. But it's different when one us does it.

I'd never been the only Black guy among a group of White folk before so I was like, "That's a bit weird, but whatever."

It wasn't until I started hanging around White people in grad school that I realized what a race-fetish actually looked and felt like. It's an uncomfortable feeling that can be hard to articulate, but I'm realizing that it's just one of those pitfalls that sometimes comes with dating outside the race.

That's what I want. Kingsmen, only over-the-top instead of cartoonishly over-the-top.

Pretty much every singer I like is some obscure vocalist nobody knows, whom I first heard singing the hook on the song of a rapper that nobody knows.

I remember the uproar from people about the Sansa rape from last season's GOT. I didn't get it then; I still don't get it now.

If that's what they were going for with Craig's Bond then, in my opinion, it didn't work. The current Bond comes across as what would happen if Damien Wayne was more of a sociopath.