
Nacho cheese. Because Chicago.

I want to disagree….but I can't.

I'm from the South and am unfamiliar with these "bo-day-gas" that you speak of. Also, a couple of the things on this list is incredibly wrong!


I figure a couple of the kids working there at their campus job was in the cut, like;

I understand people wanting to keep their jobs and all but…how is it that not one person working in that cafeteria didn't put hands on this kid? Most of the the White folk I know are not that docile.

I've seen those commercials and I've got to disagree. I never saw Ving Rhames role in those as demeaning. He's never loud or aggressive or looking like an 'ANGRY BLACK MAN'; he's presented as being strong and dignified the entire time. Plus the family in those commercials is incidental to the message; Ving himself is

I can't get over how Blaine named his funeral home Shady Plots; he's such a dick, but at least he's having some fun with it.

Once you kill a man, all that "little girl" shit goes out the window.

In the same vein, name checking popular songs from that year isn't necessarily going to be a detriment to the story either. Contemporary references don't automatically equal clumsy writing.

….The fuck do the opinions of a bunch of writers have to do with my feelings on a particular narrative choice?

We were clearly raised in different environments….

"Wouldn't it be weird if characters from a 2015 crime film randomly fixated on the rise of ISIS or Donald Trump's candidacy?"

Is this confirmed, because I thought of the Court as soon as Galavan started talking about "my ancestors legacy was stolen and wank, wank, wank".

As if we needed further evidence that the GCPD is a terrible organization, they let Vic Mackey weasel his way into their department and create his own Strike Team Force. It's only a matter of time before they rob some Armenians…

It's not?

You could always give him a compound name, like "Lennox-James". Except Lennox-James sounds kinda like a pimp's name, so maybe that's not the best choice.

The fact that my mom gave me the vaguely Ashkenazi name "Julian Spencer Green" for the sole purpose of fooling future employers into thinking I wasn't Black, tells you all your really need to know about institutional racism. Seriously, the fact that she even had to consider such a thing in 1989 is grotesque.

This issue sounds like something I should have been aware of before now.

I like historical and Sword & Sorcery dramas and all, but are we ever going to get one in this country that doesn't take place in Western Europe?