
The Outsiders featured in the "Outsider's War" story arc from Jeff Lemire's run on Green Arrow last year.

Don't see how you came to any of those conclusions. Are we talking about the same Outsiders?

The more I watch this Ras al-Ghul storyline, the more I wonder why they couldn't just use the Outsiders instead of the League of Assassins.

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from regarding Alonzo's character. On reflection, it kind of seems like the writers were in a rush to the intraracial prejudice plot line out there and sacrificed building up to the confrontation between Jenny and Alonzo.
I have to disagree about Barb. So far, I've found the

'A Different World' is THE greatest black sittcom, and one of the greatest TV shows ever produced. Even more than the Cosby Show that spawned it, ADW has become a cultural touchstone for black 80's and 90's babies.

I've gotta disagree. Race/racism and all of the ways that it pervades crime- media perception of suspects and victims, harshness of sentencing, recidivism, etc.- can provide enough ammunition to easily sustain a weekly series like this.

Lots of great performances in this show. The bits with the Gutierrez family were typically gripping to me.

I was under the impression that the "race thing" is the whole point of the show.

It's 2015 and too many people STILL aren't ready for this knowledge.

I don't know; those radiation sores looked kind of bleedy.

YES! This season ended the way I wanted it to. Not that I was specifically hoping for things to be resolved in a horrific act of mass murder, but..whatever gets us over that line. Also, the City of Light subplot really came through at the end. I mostly liked it because i enjoyed the interplay between Jaha and Murphy;

The episode that left the biggest impression on me was "The Princess & the Bounty Hunters". A diverse group of six bounty hunters arrive at a snowy mountain cabin; all have come with the intention of killing Jack and claiming the bounty on his head. However, as they each go through their plans it's becomes obvious

This is probably my favorite episode of the series so far. The scenes where the Principal trips over himself trying not to mention Philips race or when Eddie and he keep getting paired up by the teachers took me right back to my own childhood.

IDK if this was brought up, but what about the "You're Different" racist.

I don't think I've ever met any of these new "post-racial" racist white people. I've only got experience with the old-fashioned racist white people. I know how to troll regular racists through aloofness and condescension, but I doubt it would have an effect on the new
types. Am I missing out on something?

There is a whole 2nd part to this episode, so it's entirely possible Lexa has a change of heart or is forced by circumstance to come back. I'm- obviously- hoping that doesn't happen but if it did then how do you think the writers would pull it off without seeming cheap an unearned?

It's not hard to understand.

Not particularly. I just don't forsee most of the Grounders having a problem with this.

I don't really see how Lexa messed up trust amongst the Grounders though. From a storytelling perspective, it could go either way, but I think the majority of the forces are going to go along with her decision.
It's emphasized early on in the season that the Sky People AREN'T on an equal par with the other grounder

"If people who can contribute so much can be betrayed to the enemy, why not their tribe?"