
I sometimes wonder which video game was the worse sin against God and nature:

I'm about half-way through a 30 day challenge where I'm not eating sugary foods. I think I can give the whole meatless thing a shot.

I'm really surprised neither Animaniacs or Freakazoid are on here.

I know a lot about the Black history of Durham, NC.

…..Am I the only person who actually liked Low Winter Sun?

I once knew a guy named Big Murder. He didn't wear Ozwald Boateng suits.

I honestly wouldn't put it past DC to take Donna Troy off whatever shitlist they put that character on, retcon her history for the umpteenth time, and pair her with some 90's anti-hero in order to make her "interesting".

Hi-C Ecto Coolers! I used to drain gallons of that shit when I was a kid. I'm usually apprehensive about watching "ethnic" shows (I'm black- I've got a lifetime of watching them devolve into a puddle of horrendous stereotypes) but this show has really grown on me.

I have never been able to make myself care about anything involving Iggy Azalea. I just don't see anything particularly or uniquely "black" about her rap persona.

And yet, 'Red Hood and the Outlaws' happened…

I'm still sore at the New 52 because the reboot ended up killing my favorite comic of all-time: Bryan Q. Miller's run on Batgirl. It was an absolute JOY to read every month. Stephanie Brown is still nowhere to be found (no, I'm not going to read Batman Eternal, and fuck you for saying that I should).

Speaking of embracing the weirdness of their universe, I keep forgetting that the New 52 meant that the characters from WildStorm and Milestone Comics are around for them to use. Why haven't they done more with those? You want crazy?

Yeah, the did sort of handwave that. I just assumed that since Cage was 2nd in command at Mt. Weather- in addition to being the President's son- he'd be privy to the missile launch codes.
After all, the missile appears to be the Mountain Men's trump card. In case the Pres. is incapacitated they'd still have somebody

Yeah. Events on this show don't just happen without consequences. I'm really interested in seeing how this is going to play out. Personally, I'd prefer for the writers to play the long game with this and not immediately address it in the next episode

Well…shit! I'm continuously surprised by this show's willingness to "go there". The comments thread have already talked about Clarke; I want to talk about Lexa.

I thought I heard President Cage say that Mt. Weather had already discovered that the meeting was taking place and were planning to bomb it before that captured guy even got back.

If my dad and uncles are to be believed, raining piles of money on strippers has a proud and decades long history.

I think the point is that Eddie IS being himself.

I thought it was just because Beyonce is the bigger name.

I don't think I've ever stated this publicly but…I don't get what the big deal is about Kanye West. Sure, I've liked a few of his songs here and there, but I've never gotten why he's feted as some kind of genius musical alchemist. He's not a great a rapper, his beats are interesting but I don't think they're as