
Generally speaking, black people as a group still have a hard time acknowledging mental illness within our community, so I'm happy it's even being presented as an issue in this show.

I should be used to Nancy Grace's extraness by now, but hearing about stuff like this just makes me cringe.

Yeah, that is a pretty effective way to resolve issues.

Co-existence doesn't require you to be nice to people.

"They should have re-evaluated the way they did things when the people
subject to their abusive language attempted to say they didn't like it."

I'm having a hard time understanding your reasoning on this. If you agree that bigots have the right to express themselves on the one hand, how are you in support of them being subject to penalty for what they say? It's like you're saying that you're for free speech- until somebody says something you don't like. Civil

If that's how you feel, that's how you feel. Personally, I am morally opposed to that sentiment.

I'm unclear by what you mean by "pragmatic grounds".

So then is there some kind of tipping point where speech goes beyond the pale and becomes so offensive that individuals should no longer be defended from harm due to what they said? I don't mean criticism and derision from the general public, I mean actual physical AK's and bullets harm.

I think the thing with me is, I genuinely don't think speech can- as you put it- physically hurt people, so I have no problem reconciling concepts like the coexistence of free speech and hate speech.

You misunderstand me. I wasn't trying to imply that you thought Charlie Hedbo's speech should be muzzled. If you took it that way, my bad. And I also wasn't trying to say that anybody should be throwing laurels at the feet of the magazine just because a bunch of people got chipped.

But is there really a contradiction between free speech and hate speech? It's entirely possible to protect civil rights without limiting civil liberties like freedom of speech.
Massacres like the Charlie Hedbo killings don't happen more often because most people are sane enough to believe that the words printed in a

That's cool. Hate speech laws just seem weird to me.

That's all well and good. I, personally, just can't rock with that way of thinking.

Whether or not those people were heroes is besides the point; they're victims. We, as a society, shouldn't even countenance the idea that it's acceptable to muzzle another person's speech through threats and acts of violence.

"…tendencies to overthink things and outsmart themselves that’s associated
with their non-sexual selves also applies to their sexual selves."

….What the hell is even going on anymore?

An actual human woman is married to THE Rob Liefeld???

Atlanta isn't a place; it's an idea.

I'm sorry to see Legend of Korra go, but it got a good send-off. My only gripe is that it seemed like Kuvira came around a bit too easily. I'd have liked it if the conversation between her and Korra had been longer with more back and forth.