
The fuck? …DC comics has a strategy???

Can somebody tell me what the hell is even going on with Future's End anyway? Since All-Star Western's over, the only DC books that I haven't ragequit are Earth 2 and Green Arrow.

"A Different World" made me go to an HBCU. I knew some Whitleys and some Denises but I couldn't find any Freddies until senior year.

When you're drunk and angry at the world, it's hard to make good decisions.

I'm not saying that disagreement is the same as expecting someone to "retroactively censor themselves". I've got no issue with people saying "You're wrong, and this is why…".

So if the whole issue is to dispel misconceptions about depression, then what's that got to do with a Henry Rollins thinkpiece?

Wait, I thought the subject was the act of suicide, not the state of depression. It doesn't seem right to attach shame to being sad, but I can see the logic to attaching negative connotations to killing yourself.

Who's saying that you aren't? Go nuts with that shit if you want.

I guess I can see education making more people sympathetic to the realities of depression, but I can't see how you're going rehabilitate the image of suicide.

I'm just not really concerned if somebody's words are "hurtful" as long as come from an honest place. I can forgive offensiveness as long as its not disingenuous.
And if Rollins apologized, then what's the big issue?

Where did you get the idea that I said anybody should spare Henry Rollins' feelings? If you're feeling some type of way about his op-ed, go flame away. It's your right.

It all depends on what you're into. Mac's earlier stuff (Blue Slide Park, Best Day Ever) is a lot more "mainstream" and pop sounding. His new stuff (Faces, Watching Movies With the Sound Off, etc.) is way experimental; it's some Earl Sweatshirt, Jay Curry, Kilo Kish type shit.
As far as lyrics go, IMO the best way to

Those people are just going to have to deal with it, then. I can't disapprove of his initial piece because opposing opinions are important to the discourse on any subject.
Besides, Henry Rollins isn't a doctor or some sort authority on psychology- he's just some guy on the internet. He's got no standards that say he

So what if it's insensitive? I read Rollins' op-ed and it didn't sound like he was trying to tell other people how they should think about people who commit suicide.
It was the guy's honest thoughts on the subject and he can only relate to the issue of suicide based upon his own life experiences.

God, the myth arc in this season has been annoying. I had much higher hopes for this season.

What? That's how some people feel about these things. That attitude may not be right, but I don't think it's wrong either.

From what I understand, Henry Rollins has detailed his own struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts in the past. His way of responding to it has been an angry refusal to be "beaten" by the affliction.

It's too refined; it has no earth impurities in it that someone can bend.

This was an intense pair of episodes and the conclusion leaves a great hook for the next season; for me Book 3 has been the best season of LoK.

Season 3 had some of my all-time favorite episodes of the Boondocks, but it also has the only episodes of the series- Jimmy Rebel, Lovely Ebony Brown, It's Goin' Down- that I ACTIVELY dislike.