
Title correction... "Mind-Blowing Video App Can Transform Anyone Into a But-her-face".

If this were used correctly in films, I personally would prefer this 100x to 3D films.


Thanks for the reminder Giz! I activated my plus invite 3 weeks ago and have been meaning to cancel it ever since. Just cancelled it.

@juicebytim: I suppose I should mention that the preset is only to get a head start at converting to a greyscale image. Obviously it may need toning adjustments, but 7 times out of 10 it gets pretty close to the final image that I will use.

I use this preset in lightroom almost exclusively for all my black and white images:

Whenever I have to focus on a task, the only thing playing in my headphones is Sigur Rós. Since I don't understand Icelandic, it's the perfect, distraction-free, beautiful music.

Does anybody have the script for that clock format?

When did this become exclusive DLC? The last post on this from several weeks ago said it was going to come out on 360 on Jan. 29 for 800 MS points. And here I was looking forward to tomorrow.

Yeah, like Ocha mentioned, Linger in the Shadows does have screen grabs, and they do make good screen grabs. It saves the pictures as .pngs.

This is what a Halo movie should be about... not all shooting things and blowing stuff up. Yes, I know that's mainly what the game is, but ilovebees was awesome because it told other stories that were happening during the Halo war, but with "normal" people living in that time.

In an apartment I used to live in, I put a $200 vacuum in my underground parking space (more on why in a minute) and after a week, it was stolen. Annoyed that somebody would do this, I put a sign in the elevator saying a vacuum was stolen from this specific parking spot, and to please return it. A couple days later

Did anyone else notice that he still has the HD-DVD add-on setup? Dude's got to let go...

Looks like he needs to spend some of that money on a painter for those white walls.