There are several levels of wrong in that statement:
There are several levels of wrong in that statement:
I’ve also never had any cartoon bears in my pie.
Sweet potatoes are gross and wrong.
I loooove pumpkin pie. Love. It’s not Thanksgiving without it! My fiance is diabetic so I bought myself a mini pie last year just so I could have some.
Do you want your desserts to taste like potpourri smells—like “apples” and “cinnamon” with a faint hint of pooh?
Oh, it’s true. Don’t get me wrong, that stuff has a place. It’s fine for muffins or if you’re making a quick pumpkin bread for a party or something. But for Thanksgiving pumpkin pies? Real deal or nothing. Flavor and texture are definitely different. I get two sugar pie pumpkins (they’re marked as such at the store-…
1. Pumpkin pie is delicious.
Pumpkin pie is pretty ok. Like many thanksgiving foods, it’s good enough that I’m happy to have it at thanksgiving and not particularly sad not to have it other times.
Okay WAIT. Can you walk me through this please. I am learning today that canned pumpkin is actually butternut squash?? Can this blasphemy be true?????
Neither, but on the spectrum of delicious/disgusting it’s definitely far closer to ‘slice of heaven’ than ‘unadulterated trash’.
I mean, in damn near everything else we recognize that there are degrees of awfulness. It’s not “justifying” manslaughter to recognize that it’s not the same as murder. It’s not “justifying” sexual harassment to recognize that it’s not the same as rape, or even sexual assault.
So we should just dismiss 36 women who worked with Franken in favor of the a Fox panelist who is shown in poses that seem to show she shared that worldview and the claims of a women who cannot produce the supposed comments she made after claiming he grabbed her ass ? Those 36 women worked in a notorious misogynistic…
If you’re calling for Franken to resign over this, then yes, you’re saying it’s the same because you want him to face the same consequences as men who have done much worse. Roy Moore for instance, no one is expecting him to go to jail, but they want him to step down from the election. So why should the punishment be…
All of that may be true, but the victim has forgiven him, and said that she wasn’t interested in him losing his job. She just wanted to tell her story, make a point about how even “joking around” shit can be traumatic, and said on the record that she is good.
Regarding Al Franken: His actions were horrible, but at what point do we can we stop painting everyone with the same brush? He was a comedian, albeit one that I never found particularly funny. He’s clearly joking in the one picture that I saw, and grabbing someone’s butt during a photo in the past sounds like a…
And Florida
The rich in Malibu aren’t the only people taking advantage of federal flood insurance. There are plenty of places in the Midwest that we’ve paid to rebuild multiple times.
You don’t get one free rape before it starts counting.
I feel like I agree with the just of Armie Hammer’s point. He’s not saying he didn’t deserve what happened to him, but that the industry treats people differently (which we all know is true.) But the timing wasn’t just about the Oscars imo, it was literally right about the the time the movie was hitting mainstream…