What I like is that she’s easy to ignore.
What I like is that she’s easy to ignore.
As a flight attendant I served Kim and Khloe many times in first class. They were so polite and kind all the time. Like crazy nice. I have nothing bad to say about either of them.
She’s weirdly a pro at asking potentially insulting questions and backing away from them casually if the answers not coming. She gets to be her blunt self and still gets answers, but manages not offend Kim seemingly.
Probably Kim Jong Un because Donald Trump already fucks me every day.
I’ve been saying that on here for years. She’s never actually done or said anything that should label her as a bad person. She even supports Planned Parenthood and BLM and will happily trash Trump directly using him name.
This gives me hope that rather than starting a lifestyle brand, when Jennifer Lawrence is 40, she can host a talk show.
Kim gives the vibe she is a good person.
His experience is probably also somewhat formed by his romance-linked Ashley Ellerin who was murdered by a serial killer. Big headlines, big scary, but not the run of the mill sex offense.
The thing is that Arbuckle probably didn’t do anything
“I’m not surprised that ***all production companies*** likely turned a blindeye to what appears to be systematic harassment and abuse as for years ...”
What part of the made-up story didn’t you get?
All I’ve ever heard about him is he had a bunch of celebrity friends who loved to go out and have (as far as I know consensual) sex with hot women in the 90s, and that he likes very short-term relationships with supermodels. So, nothing bad, really.
He has been accused of dating blonde women.
I think Leo is a dingleberry, but it’s the NYDN that posits he’s “worried” so I’d take it with a large grain of salt before you decide he’s guilty of something based on one night out where he wasn’t actively trying to pick up women.
He’s been accused(by me) of not really deserving the Oscar for The Revenant, but actually deserved it for What’s eating Gilbert Grape all those years ago. And also not marrying Kate Winslet when when he had the chance, cause their love for each other is undeniable.
Um, I’m exactly 32 years jeff goldblum’s junior and I would absolutely, consentingly, marry him.
I had no idea he was considered handsome until I read the article. I knew people found him sexy, but... The last time this happened was with Adam Driver. With Goldblum, I can see it now. Driver, not so much.
She just had a freaking kidney transplant and all people can talk about is her hanging out with Justin Bieber. It’s crazy!
HOW can Selieber be the top of every DB? Almost worse than Karshian kar bombs.