
I appreciate how Bobby Finger felt he needed to take a shot at Kristen Bell for making her daughter happy, but didn’t feel like making any actual effort when writing the copy and instead just chucked in a generic ‘attention whore’ jab. He did a half-assed job of mocking a person for going above and beyond. Well done,


I do, too. Kind of surprised at the catty write-up here, though.

This came out with the Bryan Singer scandal a few years ago, but I guess as no one put their name to the accusations it went away.

To paraphrase a guy in the HuffPo comments section, “I’ve been very very gay. I’ve been very very drunk. Neither has ever resulted in me making a move on a 14 year-old.”

When the Kevin Clash (Elmo) story broke a few years ago, there were people actively making the claim (as I’m sure there still will be in some corners) that it’s just different when it comes to gay men and adolescent gay boys. As the rationalization goes, having a kind of gay mentor/guide can be very helpful to young

Must our collective cynicism extend to Kristen Bell? She’s so amusingly pouty in the photo, come on, does that not warm one’s stoney heart?

By handling it this way Spacey is giving fuel to the crackpots who conflate homosexuality with pedophilia.

I enjoy that Kristen Bell’s daughter made her dress up as Elsa, instead of Bell’s character. Kids are so great at casual evisceration of your ego.

I am glad to see the Kevin Spacey follow up. This is a man who used to sue magazines for even suggesting that he was gay. Now he is using it as an excuse for pedophilia. All this “apology” is going to do is give Fox News and the other RWNJ a focal point for gays are bad/ librul Hollyweird/ distract from political

How “not love” are we talking about? Friendship? Peaceful coexistence? Singlehood? Or the kind of gross, mean, humiliation that happened in this marriage?

“Soon after my wife and I were married, 4 years ago, I had sex with a woman at a club in Panama where I had a work assignment for a month. I promptly forgot all about it until I started the Sex Addicts Anonymous program last year.”

One thing it took me a long time to learn in my 20s was that I don’t even actually WANT to be friends with a lot of people I used to know. They’re fine people, but their lifestyles diverged from mine and it turns out that simply living down the hall from someone for a year in college isn’t enough to sustain a

I noticed this too. As soon as she described her first child I was holding my breath to see what the description was going to be for the rest.

The Nina Garcias of the world need to start feeling the heat a bit more.

beautiful blonde-haired blue-eyed baby ...

I’m glad all these gross men are FINALLY being held accountable all at once, but I’m sad/angry/annoyed that it took the Weinstein scandal to kick everyone’s assess into gear. Like, only NOW can we truly start punishing these men, because one super powerful man is getting backlash. It feels like all these companies

I’d say it’s as hard to realize as your own accent. Until you go somewhere else, you might not ever notice it.

Great googily moogily, these people saying these things I bet 100% believe that they are not even the least bit racist.

The degree to which white people everywhere are unaware of the normalized racism all around us is one of the greatest obstacles to achieving meaningful and lasting progress. I grew up to liberal parents five miles from Stone Mountain, Ga., and I was basically an adult before it occurred to me how screwed up Stone