I’m getting Milla Jovovich career vibes here.
I’m getting Milla Jovovich career vibes here.
Both best and bestest.
I still don’t really know who she is.
He looks like an aged Vanilla Ice.
Reddit gets a lot of shit here, but so many of their subs are amazing. I’ve heard nothing but good things about /r/stopdrinking. Good luck to you, friend, and I hope you find all the support you need! <3
This is design made for people insecure in their design tastes.
Same. And white sheets.
Yep, this is basically a draft for poor kids.
Rob Lowe seems like Tom Cruise lite. He has just enough self-awareness not to go completely off the deep end, but he still seems to lack embarrassment about a lot of things. Anyway, I would totally do this with my kids if I was rich and famous. Can’t blame him.
Agree. I see this comment a lot (“Anti-vaxxers would rather a kid be dead than have autism!”), often from people on the spectrum. I’m glad that there are so many high-functioning people with ASD, but that is definitely not the case for everyone. And it’s hard enough raising neurotypical kids—we usually give parents a…
I’m old, so my Haim reference will always be Corey Haim.
I just had Steakhouse 55 a few nights ago. Fucking delicious. And the food really is getting better. There are a lot more options now than when I was a kid. My favorite place in the Disneyland park is the Jolly Holiday bakery cafe. Their caprese sandwich is delightful.
That jumped out at me too. I was like, SUNSCREEN IS YOUR FRIEND, GIRL. Zoinks!
Right? I was like, uh, she already didn’t really have her own front teeth to begin with.
Ha, I came here to post this article. It was really interesting.
Lots of 19 year olds are self-destructive and a little socially tone deaf. I certainly was. It doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s headed down the former child star death trap path.
I feel like his chin/jaw area could use more definition.
She’s definitely one of the worst plastic surgery cautionary tales.
Sometimes. But they wear them all the time when they’re in the water, even when they’re at the pool and it’s over 100F.
It’s satire, which is meant to ridicule their choices as absurd.