I found that it was the dead mouse in the spare tire well of my Honda Fit. Getting rid of that helped a lot 8-)
I found that it was the dead mouse in the spare tire well of my Honda Fit. Getting rid of that helped a lot 8-)
I found that it was the dead mouse in the spare tire well of my Honda Fit. Getting rid of that helped a lot 8-)
I found that it was the dead mouse in the spare tire well of my Honda Fit. Getting rid of that helped a lot 8-)
How long until we discover that Tucker was his posting buddy, collaborating on all that Charles XII stuff? You know, it sounds really on-brand for Tucker.
This guy always has a panicked look in his eyes and seems over his head. I worry that we are going to discover that his medical school diploma was printed at Kinko’s.
I remember riding in the little luggage well behind the back seat of my grandfather’s Beetle. Great times, if a bit cramped. I also remember the old Beetles have a very particular smell that I can still remember fondly.
I love my Fit. My first one got hit by someone and I immediately replaced it with a near twin. Each was in the $6000 range and about 9 years old.
Those teeth though! She looks like she could unhinge her jaw and drag you into her maw of doom.
I reckon open carry will be disappearing in GA pretty soon. Remember what happened in CA while Ronnie Raygun was Governor in the 60s. Blacks open carrying scared the shit out of whitey, so they outlawed it.
On eyelids? Not happening. That means it will be in my eyes too.
How dare this family not be subservient to whitey! </s>
Do tell how you know what generation this person is in? For all you know they are 25 years old. Or, has that become the new all-purpose way of insulting someone, just using generational instead of racial terminology?
Not sure I trust anything by this author after the last article, where she said a solar eclipse would happen at night. Just checked and, Christ, it is still up and not corrected. I even tracked down her Twitter to tell her of her ridiculously awful mistake.
When I lived in NC, they published the restaurant health inspections in the newspaper, which made for some interesting reading. Once, a Waffle House inspection had a comment “Please do not serve the green chili.” (vomits!)
Or “with au jus”.
I loved the mustard stain on Karen’s shirt.
uBlock Origin will make them vanish.
Yeah, that’s like one of the more super-racist parts of NC. Folks who have only spent time in the Research Triangle think NC is progressive, but the reality of average, overall NC is what gives you folks like Sen. Jesse Helms.
May not be the safest, but back in the days of my ‘66 Chevelle, the filler neck was behind the rear license plate, right in the middle. I remember my Grandmother’s mid-50s Chevy that had it behind the tail light, which you had to know how to release and swivel to the side.
Jesus, what a lot of racist comments on that story! Don’t they have any moderation at all on FOX? We know they are racist, but it is shockingly up-front in their comments section.
edited out, was supposed to be in a different thread
Is that a 5 o’clock shadow on his head?