
I have a Ph.D. Someone wrote a check to me as Dr. “Myname Here” and the bank refused to cash it because my driver’s license didn’t say Dr. in front of my name. True story.

“Does he drop loose change on literally every flat surface in the goddamn house?”

Ever fly in Washington along the Potomac? I am not sure if they even allow that approach anymore.

“...and the PF is the “power factor,” which I think we can assume is good in Europe...”


Spartanburg, SC. They think they are “the Harvard of the South”, lol.

“The video, shot in 3D....”

The seller go robbed and the title to several cars were stolen. He can’t sell them until the title gets re-issued, which is very difficult in SC for some reason, lol. Been a month now and still not straightened out.

This sounds a lot like my white mill-hill family’s Thanksgiving meal. Small town SC, just diagonally across the state from where Michael is from. The current generation has, sadly, lost the ability to make a lot of the good stuff my grandmother and aunts made.

I don’t know, Michael. I am from South Carolina too and this sounds a whole heck of a lot like our white people Thanksgiving. Maybe it is because we come from “mill hill”/linthead (exploited textile workers) stock? This was the Union, SC area, very similar to your Hartsville, SC home (in all the good and bad ways.)

I prefer intensive porpoises, myself.

There is one for sale near me and I have been tempted to buy it. Either that or the 1980 Mercedes 240D that is for sale for $1999 and has a pristine, straight no-rust body.

There is a guy in Chesnee, SC (near me) who is a Studebaker fanatic. He had about 150 of them and drives a different one every day to his local restaurant, The Bantam Chef, where he has a 1950 Champion Starlight Coupe on display, along with a BMW Isetta and lots of other cool items. He had a fire that burned down one

Clemson Cow College is home to “Pitchfork” Ben Tillman Hall. The revere one of the most outrageously racist politicians in U.S. History.

Lol, no.

Rule of thumb used by actual scientists: It it has the word science in the name, it is not. (You never see biology science, chemistry science or physics science, right?)

Never have that problem.

“...you’d gather more momentum to push you up”

“How to be pretentious.”

Come on- when someone in Miami say coke, they mean cocaine. Don’t try to give this nonsense.