
Had a roomie freshman year who did a host of awful shit, like spilling hot tomato soup on me in my sleep, but the kicker was at the end of Winter Quarter we had this campus challenge for conserving energy and whichever dorm saved the most would get a trip to an amusement park. So my roommate was drunk as fuck in the

I’m replying to a year old post but basically yes. A lot of the times the higher the IBUs it’s just a way to cover up for a shitty tasting beer and poor brewing technique. Who the fuck wants to drink a beer that’s 100 IBUs and tastes like Pine Sol?

Yeah you would think if she had escaped multiple rounds of layoffs while working there for over a decade she was probably, at least, tacitly approving of the direction People was taking until they refused to promote her YA novel.

Yeah, what exactly was that about? That’s the hill she wants to die on, the fact your employer, a celebrity gossip magazine, didn’t want to promote your YA novel?

“I’ve said it before but 1 goal changes a game, two goals changes a game.....” Insightful stuff Donovan.

I honestly can’t believe people picked Austria as a dark horse for this tournament. They were absolutely dreadful throughout every match.

Not a single show in the entire state of Colorado. I guess I could drive to Alburquerqe and see Keith Urban and then hate myself.

You’ve literally just described sports fandom for the past 150 years, I don’t think that’s unique to Cleveland.

I mean, Messi has already been highly profiled as having used HGH as a kid because he had a growth defect as a kid and it helped him develop more naturally because he was so underweight and small.

This is an amazing gif KRS is such a badass.

Dear god man that, I’ve lived my whole life and never knew a Kenny Chesney concert was worse than the Gathering of the Juggalos.

Nothing says “organizing the proletariat for a political revolution” like shopping for fancy gelato in Italy.

The biggest thing I learned is that the type of people, family or friends, who get angry or who don’t understand why you aren’t drinking anymore have a tendency to make someone else’s struggles about themselves and fail to properly show any self awareness about the situation. Granted, a lot of really good friends and

Yeah. I mean.....We’re not fucking blind we could all see Colombia spraying passes all over the field and runners moving into space, so I’m not sure where this narrative of “we were still in it,” is coming from. I mean I’d be more concerned that if that’s the best the US has to offer then we’re not going very far in

I watched that Barnsley v. Millwall playoff game. I’m not really even sure if they’d match up against either of them.

Probably not. Animals don’t have souls.

My grandpas sick

Hot take.

I literally don’t know what everyone else is talking about, that CGI was hot garbage water.

Yeah I was going to say wasn’t Giovinco more or less frozen out of Juve’s squad when Conte came in as manager?