Juggling For A Cure

Source: “Two More Massage Therapists Accuse Al Gore of Sexual Assault." By Katya Wachtel. June 21, 2010. Business Insider.

Interesting how an African-American man being accused sparks legislation, but why not Bill Clinton and Al Gore's being accused of rapes and sexual assaults? This is the former President and Vice President.

Maybe this is why Bill Cosby's allegations inspires legislation, while Bill Clinton's allegations are ignored.

There is no indication that Matt has accused Schumer of rape. However if a Black male celebrity (possibly any male celebrity) made such a speech, but admitted (or bragged as Schumer did) to doing the same thing, but to a college female student, he would likely be accused of rape, and his career and image damaged.

Smart way to go.

What if this was done while you were too intoxicated to know what was going on? If it is unacceptable for Parker to have sex with someone allegedly too drunk to know what is happening, then the same for Schumer.

Birth of a Nation is an important film about our history. While Nate Parker's movie's screening has been canceled, Amy Schumer is in Hawaii signing books and filming a movie with no criticism. How is this so? Schumer admitted she had sex with a college student named Matt while he was too intoxicated to know what

So celebrity hustling lawyer Gloria Allred is involved out of the goodness of her heart?

Wayans is right on. During the 1960’s in Las Vegas, Bill Cosby and other Black performers such as Sammy Davis, Jr. could not stay at the hotels where they performed. They were required to stay at all-Black hotels. If Cosby had attempted to check-in at a “White” hotel, he would have been arrested. Even with the

While some Black Americans, White Americans, and other Americans are standing together against Bill Cosby by calling for the revocation of his Presidential medal of Freedom and for additional laws to incarcerate more alleged rapists, at the penal phase, they are not together. Who are the people who will be

LeBron does not have a lead role. Judd Apatow never puts African Americans in leading roles. Why is this?

Why does Judd Apatow never have Black actors with leading roles in his movies?

It is astonishing that some people are attempting to navigate around U.S. laws to justify giving Bill Cosby money to accusers. This due to the absence of facts and proof. They are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. The laws that protect Bill Cosby protects us all.

Hannibal Buress is a mediocre comedian who insulted Bill Cosby to appease the powerful people and groups lynching Cosby’s character. A strategic move intended to promote Buress’s career.

Nonsense. Bill Cosby is no such predator. Only unproven, dubious accusations. No police action, no grand jury, no criminal trial, no criminal court. No evidence of drugs, no pregnancies. Absolutely nothing. This is not justice, it is a character lynching. Don’t we owe Bill Cosby what we would want for ourselves -

Bill Cosby is a victim of false rape allegations from opportunists. Dickinson had previously alleged that Sylvester Stallone was the father of her baby Savannah, but a maternity test proved he was not the father. So she lied. Now Bill Cosby is the target of her present hustle.

And you are arguing that because all women aren't liars, one must believe all accusations.

There are "perfect correlation to rumors" of the thousands of people alleging to have seen aliens from other planets.

31.5 percent of women raped received a physical injury, and 36 percent of those injured sought and received medical care. Non of the alleged Bill Cosby victims - now at 40 - sought or received medical care. This statistical inconsistency in light of Occcam’s Razor’s scientific rule postulates that the Cosby rapes

There are multiple allegations (thousands) of people seeing Bigfoot. Does multiple people making claims makes something true?