
i've really enjoyed her reviews. i've been away for a while and it was nice to come back to smarte people.

Not even if they're Chris Lowell? He's a photographer too and an avid world traveler. No steady relationship because, he explains, he hasn't met the right woman!

Also, a whole lotta Marilyn/" Happy Birthday…..(breath intake and breast wobble for 60 seconds…….Mr. President……."

One more vote for Brendan Fraser. He was terrific. He scared the crap out of me in prison and/or in Noah's mind and he was very moving by using very few words and mostly the way he moved his body ,when Noah follows John's wife home and it takes Noah a little too long to realize John's son has some kind of brain

Still have looked up the Treem/Orange Slime connection and I won't til I finish our final moments together as we bid "Ta-ta" to this idiotic season of The Affair with One Gilled Writer, the professor and Martin, the boy who constantly looks like he just ate a pile of shit. ( Yiddish it's called "fabisina")

And duck bills.

Uh…..I think they've made it pretty fucking clear that someone needs to give the writers ideas. Perhaps a room full of chimpanzees with typewriters…..or…🦑maybe?

It could have been worse. At the last half hour, the second title card could have read " Martin".

Are you telling me Treem is an Orange Slime supporter? Yes, I could google it, but I'd rather hear the news deliver in the lingua of AV.
If this is true - I'll never watch this show again.
But until I have to make that choice, I just want to say that I share something with Professor SexFrench: nothing gets me hotter

I decided to stop watching Homeland ( been watching since the beginnning) when I saw the pull quote for this season's promo was Carrie and Dar Adal having this exchange : " Stand down, Carrie!" " No, YOU stand down!". Wow.
A week or ago I saw another promo with Saul, I think and Carrie and it was the same thing only

And overlooked the regular cast of "Justified" and the show itself, year after year. Two guests stars have been awarded, but one went to one of the worst, curtain devouring jambons ever. You look at all the nuanced, beautifully played work by Olyphant, Goggins, Pitts, Carter et al and it's just wrong.

The point of killing Aayannwas to push Carrie over the edge….into madness!!!
OK, not "madness" right now, but she's on her way. A little help from the Ambassador's husband when he substitutes Carrie's meds with Folgers coffee - then cue the wogga-wogga, bad trip visual effects and the giant fly who got his SAG card