
Yeah, thats how I read It too 

Hahaha, the 69? Look at those tattoos! More like

That......that is a thing of beauty right there! That’s just amazing! I swear I cluld showthat to a non-gamer and they’d have no clue. Well done!😊

Dude I love your articles but “Nemesis”?!? Dude! Thats Tyrant! Come on man! I know you know this stuff!

This looks like an interesting/creative twist on the normal battle timer to me tbh. Like the 90s countdown where if the battle wasn’t already, whoever has most health wins by default. But here, you can manipulate it a lil, and if your opponent doesn’t win in time, you get to knock them the hell out yourself instead

Really? Not power menu burrito? I’ve never seen that on the menu.....or advertised as on the menu.....or heard someone order that of the menu.......frankly, thats the first time i’ve Seen those 3 words in that order ever!

Thats what i was thinking, tbh. Sort of a “secret menu” thing. I mean, when the enchirito (yeah probs spelled that wrong) was first released, it came in many choices. Now? Ground beef. But they’ll still ring it up with steak if you ask nicely. I think their POS system retains them. May not be on the menu but they

I’m with you on this. I mean it looks like they got the characters down right. I mean between Cap with his shield, Tony with the rays and bombs, Hulk just smashing everything! Nailed that!

That voice though! Just....spectacular! Rather jealous tbh! Just so great!

Salsa Verde for life! Nacho and Ranch got nothing on that! Just saying.......and taco was better when they partnered with Taco Bell on that! So there!

Dude! How did you leave Killer is Dead off the list?! How? You go to the moon multiple times! You fight the king of the moon (David) because woman named, wait for it, Moon River(!) commisions you to do it even! Come on man! Duck Tales but not that? I am disappointed 😔

Wow. That’s what you took from that?! Dude dropped kicked Arnie, knocked him......a couple steps, then got immediately tackled by security, but the t-shirt? I mean, come on! Stupid security moved in before he could drop kick him back and stole that magnificence from the world!

The last one?! How about the first?! That’s the stuff of nightmares right!😫

Ok, you win 😂🤣😂

🎵Do you want to behead a snowman?🎵

I kinda liked the Elsa one the best (but there’s always been a special place in my frozen heart for good ol’ Sub since i played him in MK1). Gotta say though, the Kirby one was a very close second! I think one of those two shoulda won, personally.

Time as in real world time or “oh god look at this back log of games” time? Cause, uh, yeah.........stupid steam sales........

I kinda wish i got into 2. But i gotta agree that, for many reasons, GW1 was my very favorite game of it’s genre ever. well, ok, sorta. Maybe not fully open world, but that really was part of the charm. And, yeah, way better than WOW. More thought/planning. Made it more personal and rewarding on so many levels! 😀

Wow. Just, wow! That’s a beutiful picture! Would make a nice framed pic!

Out of curiosity. How would you rank this with the steam controller? Does it work well? Or barring that, the ol’ kb&m? Don’t have a current gen console so PC is my only option, and that’s the only controller I have for it sadly (and yeah, in hindsight, i kinda wish i went XBox controller instead when i was looking,