
I love in Portland...your final paragraph is 90% of the people I meet in this fucking town at this point, right down to the contrived weirdness. It drives me fucking insane.

Thiiiiiiiis. She did not have to be part of this narrative. If someone asked her about it because it was her show, she could have said that she would prefer not to comment on the situation.

So I genuinely have a question about believing the victims. I believe the actress who came forth and all the ones who came before her to share their stories.

Lena is an asshole and it’s annoying that she’s made feminism a part of her brand. She’s the epitome of a white feminist. Lena doesn’t want to embrace women of color or understand intersectionality. Lena just wants to be equal to white men. The rest of us can kick rocks. I’m not surprised she chose not to stand in

I bet grade-school Weinstein spent six hours finding a way to cheat on a test that would have taken two hours to study for.

Actually, this isn’t true.

a sanctimonious lady in my church a year said something that made my stomach turn. she’s “pro life” and said that people today only want healthy babies. so we abort the kids that are too much trouble. i wonder how much she’ll try to justify hurting these kids like this. i swear, christians are the worst.

This is why Americas race problem will never go away, its all we ever focus on and think about. A show about women’s suffering in general is ok but it needs to focus on peoples race as well? Its a fkn tv show.

Yeah I’d take this critique more seriously if the article had been written by a woman of color. As is, all I hear is another dude saying feminists need to solve every other social problem before they talk about trivial “woman’s issues”. Intersectionality goes both ways, dude.

The problem is that the show fails to imagine how their lives would be any different in an American splinter nation that’s a regressive theocracy.

I am not prejudice at all but seem to be finding the scales off balance in a lot of situations when the outcries of prejudice come these days. We have BET ( Black Entertainment Television) , The United Negro Fund, Black Girl Magazine etc., just for a few examples. But what if there were White Television, the White

I mentioned this on The Beguiles thread amd caught shit for it but will say it again: They. Can’t. Win. They are acknowledging that they can’t win. The dark side of pressuring everyone to cover every base and cover it perfectly  is that eventually, people will stop trying, period.

Another article on Jez yesterday brought up that the creator of “The Keepers” doc on Netflix didn’t bring up Baltimore’s history of racism.

Enslaved black women were raped without exception, with their children becoming property of their so-called masters, so I didn’t have a problem at all with seeing black handmaidens on the show. It’s believable to me. Frankly, the programming/brainwashing of the women were small potatoes to how actual africans were

The lack of imagination inherent in comments like this astounds me.

That’s a, uh, really good comment. I wish I’d written it.

You do realize that not every issue has to be touched on in every program aired, right?

I’m not good with this politically-correct stuff. But I do find it bothersome that the author thinks “the society they live in is not racist, or racist enough” that he stops his suspension of disbelief.

Always someone whining about race. Mention race, you’re bad. Don’t mention it, you’re bad. Just admit it, you’re another hack writing made-to-provoke nonsense for some internet rag trying to push people towards Amazon affiliate links.

In a world where the majority are infertile and women are used to breed, I would think that race would actually take a backseat when it came to fertility. I mean, sure, if you have two women, both with equally dark skin colour and one is fertile while the other isn’t, then they would each receive different treatment.