Judy Judy

This is real. This is what happens when “our” world feels so unsafe the only people we can talk to about our trauma are other survivors. After coming out about my own experience of assault and abuse I was flooded with other people sharing their experiences with me. I felt such an influx of contradicting emotions. I

I don’t want to define any one person’s experience, but it really seems like Rose is dealing with a lot of trauma. As someone who has also been there, it can feel so terrible when people you are honest with about your experiences aren’t careful and considerate about what they put you through. It can also put you in a

Ugh, thank you for writing this. It’s weird that I’m even reading this because I really don’t read Jezebel anymore. I actually had to have a conversation with myself a couple years ago about whether I was the type of person Jezebel wrote for. I would get angry with articles that seemed to be written only for educated,