
....now i have a machine gun.


David Harbour as Santa is so obvious I can’t believe it’s taken this long to get there.

Star studded seems like a slight overreach.

Honestly, after Sandman, I’m much rather see a Johanna Constantine show with Jenna Coleman (sorry, I know Matt Ryan has a significant fanbase).

The original G4 worked because YouTube, and streaming content in general, didn’t exist. I was in college at the time. Anyone old enough to remember the original G4 is probably too old to care about the revival. And those too young have YouTube, Twitch, etc. There was no need for this revival, and I’m not sure who

Stranger Things’ Noah Schnapp Refused to Spoil Will’s Gay Storyline

Nah, the actor went off the right-wing deep end a while back.

I mean, getting Ro Laren would be quite the coup.

It was a good cast, and if the writers had accomplished anything interesting or memorable for them in the first 2 seasons, I would agree. As it is, I’ll happily bask in the TNG nostalgia and then forget the whole thing ever happened. 

Whatever they did to Comixology Unlimited with their big app overhaul makes it impossible to search, sort, and find new stuff.

Pretty underwhelmed with this season tbh. It’s longer and darker, but at the cost of the fun and pacing of previous seasons. Also it’s feeling a bit like Lost to me, where they’re stretching and padding things out in order to hit the committed # seasons. We’re retreading old ground here. A few of my gripes:

It was pretty obvious he was either Vecna or in league with him, but not that he was Henry Creel. Unless somebody called him that and I missed it.

Everything these days is “mind blowing!” and “shocking!” and “unbelievable!”

Yes. One of my biggest questions going into this season was what the Russians were up to, and when they just interrogated Hopper for a while before giving up and dumping him in a work camp, I was pretty surprised. And that they’re plans for the Demogorgon just seem to be feeding it. I thought there would be more

The B plot stories with Hopper/Joyce/Weird Guy and the California Crew aren’t bad, but they also feel a lot like time-killing until Part 2. The most compelling stuff is by far the stuff happening with characters in Hawkins.

Either 11 killed a bunch of children and that’s trauma she never thought to mention til now or Dr. Brenner, being our viewpoint character in the scene and not seeing the full events, missed 11 doing battle with an evil (probably psychic) person who came to murder everyone for evil (probably psychic) reasons.

Thank you! I need to rewatch.

Plot Twist courtesy of Red Letter Media:

Right? It just feels like corporate-level sunk cost fallacy. Disney invested so much, only for it to take over a decade for anything more to materialize.