
Forbes reports James Gunn’s sequel to Suicide Squad “is expected to have a new cast of characters and avoid direct tie-in to the first film’s events.”

George Lucas gets a lot of shit these days, and no question a lot of it is deserved, but this is legit one of the best openings of a piece of science fiction or fantasy in existence. We’re thrown right into the action, and while we’ve been exposited a bit, Lucas just really hit home about how absurdly lopsided the

Yeah, this is absolutely the correct answer.

Without the Star Destroyer, we would never have seen some of these other ships.

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I kept trying to come up with something...anything...that could match it, but you really laid out the best one right there in the article. Much as I love the Klingon AND Enterprise reveals in The Motion Picture, as much as I dig Serenity’s barely-keeping-it-together vibe, nothing comes close to matching this:

I agree, it's asking for a lot of unearned faith.

Seriously. Escape From New York is 40 years old and still stands up strong, today. Then the other problem who the hell could pull off Snake Plisken? It may be a failure of imagination on my part, but I can’t fathom anyone pulling off the roll like Kurt Russell. (Tom Hardy comes to mind as he pulled of Max quite well;

FWIW, I also tossed a frame from Deep Star Six in there.

Leviathan and The Abyss. I haven’t thought about either movie in a long while, but enjoyed both quite a bit.

...explore a newly discovered ocean trench, which is possibly the lowest place on Earth. Down there, he encounters something bad and possibly from outer space.

That was my first thought. Bit disappointed no one’s pointing that out.

Nice. And people are making films in Unity— Where there’s tools, there’s artists. Then it’s all down to ambition and skill.

In some weird alternate universe 1980, John Carpenter made an R-rated, balls-out insane Batman movie, and Frank Doubleday played an absolutely terrifying punk-themed Joker.

Me too! Only, you know, better than Avatar.

I wish there were more aliens-as-saviors (or at least helpers) films. The aliens-are-evil trope is beyond tired.

I get a real Blomkamp vibe — striking images and a dystopian vibe mixed with a metric fuck-ton of stupid.

Thanks for this, I’d not heard of Shoah and now I am on a mission to get a copy. And yes just saying “it was my job” or “I didn’t know” is not going to forgive you.

Every scientist and engineer in school or working should watch the nine hour documentary on how the banality of evil can lead to real big problems called “Shoah.” There’s a key segment around three hours in that applies to scientists and engineers. Tech folks just doing their jobs.

Like I've said in previous Persona 5 threads: