
Maybe I just stopped using them then.

Trapper Keeps seem more 80s to me.

Everything I see above will be in Augmented Reality when that takes off. VR is not the future. You’ll run around with a tag cloud following you. Everyone will. Everyone will see different ads, except for those who opt out. I suppose they’ll see the old cities, they way they were, or are, depending on whether or not

The life of a true cow is full of pain and danger.

Of course.

Cow Murder is a platform for The Farside 2020 which, actually, may be indistinguishable from our 2020.

This is a platform for 2020.

This is straight out of William Gibson’s The Peripheral.

I have not. No. That good with dialog?

Yep. This game ruined all other narrative dialog in games for some time. It was excellent.

Curious to see if Bourdain weighs in on this.

I have a low-grade crush on Meredith Hanger, so I may watch the one she’s in.

This article is correctly titled based on some of the comments.

I thought these hipster takedowns had outlived their shelf-life? Alas.

She looks like a male min-pin/doxy I knew named Dexter. That’s why I asked. Very cute.

I am so sorry.


Beat me to it.

“Several years?” It’s already been, what, 6 or 7 years?

The novel, Fight Club, is specifically a take down of toxic masculinity. You need to read it again. Very little is changed save the father creating franchises families like the narrator. Chuck hadn’t made that connection, previously.