Judge Hershey

who had it on the bakc [sic] of her calf...

Her next tattoo?

Kid? She’s 25. At what age is that excuse no longer appropriate?

Doubling down on stupid decisions, so nobody would figure out I didn’t know what I was doing, was the story of my 20s. The fact that none of them left a permanent mark was a triumph of luck over judgement.

I don’t know her music but I will start listening if she comes up with a song called “Charcoal Grill Finger." 

Let me get back to her original excuse for getting the wrong tattoo in that she couldn’t bear getting another character done because it hurt so much. But she’d already had it done wrong if she was putting the “seven” character before the grill character.

What an oddball decision. It would be a no-brainer for me, money or no, just cuz of how embarrassing it would be to have it wrong to begin with; I wouldn’t need anybody else to know it was wrong, let alone having it be a news story.

My question is what was tiger thinking? 

I used to really admire Jack Nicklaus.

“While he spends much of his average day in scheduled meetings, events, and calls, there is time to allow for a more creative environment that has helped make him the most productive President in modern history.”

I’m crying I’m laughing so hard. I wanted that kitten to go HAM on the water balloons!

This is good work and the only reason that “law enforcement” wants to hide their misdeeds is that they are afraid of getting caught.

I need my Root timeline to not be filled with old racist white men. More selfies Jay. 

It’s the Ricky Gervais approach. They’re just serial contrarians who make a living from pissing people off and getting smug from it, it’s only now that liberalism on lots of social issues is widespread meaning they’ve reverted to the other side (with Gervais claiming we should do more to protect animals while at the

Between the comment to Ben Sasse, the rant he made about people who like comics and nerdy stuff (seriously, why do you care so much?!), and now this Popeye’s Chicken joke, what the hell is going on with him?! He’s not an idiot, so why is he doing so many inflammatory things?

Yeah I imagine that’s a tough itch to scratch.

Even if the product in question was originally meant to empower women.

As someone who’s written a lot of erotic fiction, I can tell you that the stuff typically assumed to be aimed solely at straight men typically finds a much bigger audience with women instead. Especially if said porn is of the women being dominated, degraded, and/or enslaved. 

Why is that bad, if that’s what these creators and their audiences are into Well, if the porn industry—and the game industry—showcases conventionally attractive, thin white women over all other body types, races, gender presentations, and so on, that’s going to become the default for desirability. That default, in