They both support Warren.
They both support Warren.
Wait... you’re telling me that it’s possible to deal with a big threatening person, who might be high on drugs, without killing them? You mean to tell me that this situation was dealt with accordingly, and that accordingly doesn’t have to include death?
Everyone who’s seen a Bruce Lee movie knows you don’t go to a karate school and call out the teacher unless you have henchmen.
To quit smoking. I still need to do this. I did it once, when i was 30 for six months, but not as a new years resolution, more for a guy, and then he broke my heart and i started smoking again because I wanted to have quit for myself, not him. But before I got around to quitting again my sister died, and then my dog…
So, if this bill is what we want it to be, and there’s no drawbacks to it (or, at the very least, the drawbacks are far, far outweighed by the obvious positives this bill sets up), and Mitch says no, isn’t that a GREAT issue to speak on? Like, “hey, we introduced this bill to make politics less shady and also allow…
You have literally never been to a restaurant in your life.
I don’t want a Democratic presidential nominee who takes money from Wall Street, period.
“It’s like if you were at a restaurant and you only had two options for an entree, your choice would boil down to “which one is overall better,” and if one of those choices is really bad, you’re stuck with the less bad one.”
Let’s complete the metaphor, though - if you get all huffy that you only have the choice of the…
Hello hello, a guest appearance!
Welcome to Splinter, where reasonable thought goes to die.
Yep. I just adore the hate she gets from the right. It’s the Streisand Effect, through an amplifier. Mark my words: if she has any legislative success, the GOP will turn her into a bigger bogeyman than Obama or Hillary ever were. She is their antichrist just by her existence.
But I want the socioeconomic and ethnic subjugation to end; I want a fair democracy in America. I just don’t want all our money going to the federal government to do so, I want us to return more of our money to local and state governments, so that people have better say on political policies. I support the Green New…
No, he created the Bull Moose Party because he felt Taft hadn’t been Progressive enough; TR himself wasn’t very Progressive until after he left office (I always felt bad for Taft, but at least he got to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court later in life). A great book on the subject that discusses TR shift from…
I follow a blog for Oklahoma State sports. It has a section for “World News and Politics”. There is a thread dedicated to AOC. And make no mistake, these are conservative white guys, generally speaking. It’s actually comedic to read the things they say. It reads more as a “Scared Old White Fuckers” thread.
And hilariously it’s just been making her more famous and powerful. Had they done nothing, she’d just be another first-year House member, without much power among Dems. But thanks to
conservatives, she's got some real power.
As a very old-school conservative who hates Trump and what the GOP has become, I love AOC. I hope she’s the rock that the old white racists crash upon.
It is astounding how many stupid and untalented people make a living in the right wing noise machine.