Judge Hershey

My mother worked for vista optical and her stories of her job and her boss being a good man that didn’t treat his employees like bodies is in stark contrast to today where you’d probably need a college degree to do her job.

That’s odd as both of my folks are in their early 70's and both (plus me) voted for Hillary. It might be location but my mother does know somebody, one of her friends, that voted for Trump. But then, when said friend is jacked up on like fifty pills a day..

Uncle Joe was Obama’s minder. Now, he wants to flount his years as VP in exchange for ego and basically doing nothing.

For some reason I keep having this recurring thought/dream of something touching my foot. There’s obviously nothing there but the very though that something might reach up and grasp your foot in the middle of the night..

If you’re not stuffing cocaine behind the quarter panels then just what are you doing>?

It’s that old line about “Good, more Romans.”

I don’t know the numbers but a thriving biking community is good as is people that use public transportation. I mean, if you’re paying an obscene amount of money for public transportation and nobody uses it **insane laugh**

Yes, the thing he is known for is not going to be there because it was buried in the books.

Long story short but the ultimate irony will be when the mega-rich retire to NZ and then it sinks into the sea!

Geralt with one sword is like Dracula with one fang!

Henry Cavill couldn’t even play a decent Superman. Christoper Reeve in a wheelchair would have been a more convincing Superman!

So it’s basically a spat with Mum then?

Their pathetic facebook group (or whatever the fuck it is) really, really shows the sheer depths of hatred these pigdicks have for women in general and women of color especially.

“Pig to man, man to pig.”

Where’s the other sword?

Remember back when it was “Trump won’t round people up.”

I watched some guy throw back a home run from Cal Ripken Jr. a few years before he retired.

Now playing

Uncle Joe is a fossil. Between him and Bernie they’ll make sure Trump gets a second term

He just needs to rub her shoulders and tell her it’s gonna be okay. Uncle Joe is here and nobody is going to compromise the eastern front.