Judge Hershey


I’ve trained my mother to read the byline. If it’s Maggie Haberman just remember the old National Enquirer.

What state do you live in?


The NYT does good investigative work. But then you have hacks (which is way too generous) like Maggie Haberman who got the job because we live in a meritocracy.

Any one person here could stick a sharpie up their ass, crab-walk around the room and whatever scribblings resulted would be a better op-ed.

It’s not like we turned them onto the Chinese miners ohmyfuckinggodIforgotDeadwoodMovie!!

“Yeah, I’m the real kind, not the tuxedo kind. I’m the kind of spy who gets blood all over your Andretti unless you give me information.”

Are you kidding?

Show up and drink all the wine.

Take breaks. I follow this shit way too close and need to do the same because it can affect my attitude.

Now that’s an beast that would gladly eat you if you were shrunk down.

Ah they’re just jealous because she’s probably taller than all of us.

Honestly, take time for yourself as you are able and indulge in things you enjoy. When you have no support at work or from anybody else you’re gonna have to find some way to ease the tension.

In other news the Women’s College Series is on and ho-lee-shit. Each one of the hosts has arms like fucking steel cables; gotta work on my triceps.

Camparis are nice, slice them up, put a little parmesan on them and they’re lovely.

Then he sprains his ankle touching the bag.

Must have been the bloody wolves chasing him through some blue inferno.

Dear Frida, you are not nearly mean enough. Do better!

FFS, the Kingdome would drop tiles all over the place and you didn’t hear anybody (that wanted to keep their job) complaining.