
That will actually be hard to argue for trump.

Yeah, they muddy the waters as much as possible knowing that their idiot followers will be too confused to understand whats going on.

Oof. Passive aggressive. Most people would ignore that letter, especially a narcissist.

Being a “free thinker” in Kanye’s context means, “my ignorance is as valid as your knowledge”. It’s not.

Don Blankenship perfectly represents the republican party: racist, criminal and stupid.

Keeping the blades oiled is also key to keeping your hair from getting snagged and pulled.

Lots of violent Buddhists around the world.

Seems to me that Rosanne is trying to ride Stormy’s coat-tales to fame.

Now playing

Rosanne Bar is not a republican or a patriot. She is a rich celebrity making money off of ignorant right wing people. Just like trump. Two peas in a pod.

When does Kanye start saying the Holocaust was a choice? After sales of this album are not so great and he needs the media’s eye again?

I believe the singular of White Castle is White Casti...

Stories like this demonstrate very clearly that most all rich people are not successful because they are smart or creative. They are successful because they were born with a lot of money. trump stayed rich despite himself and his idiocy.

I don’t understand what either of these services offer as a business. A sustainable business model is supposed to offer some benefit or service to their customers that would justify a profit margin.

Fuck off troll.

Lots of whataboutism in the comment section being used to defend Japan and Korea. Just because racism happens in America ot Canada, doesn’t make it ok in other countries.

Sammi and Ronnie. Tale as old as time...

Also listen to Holst, The Planets if you want to hear the source of the Star Wars, Jaws, Indiana Jones themes.

If this dude walked down the sidewalk in an expensive, white, suburban neighborhood at night, they would call the cops on him and report him as a terrorist.