Educate yourself. Don’t just troll.
Educate yourself. Don’t just troll.
This is a dumb take.
Racist stereotypes are offensive. Grow up and learn, kid.
Stop supporting racism, dick.
Maybe the show is willing to double down because the writers have already shown how smart and hard-working Apu is?
Shitty driving is on topic, even when its shitty driving by bicyclists.
Thats a myth.
Hate to say it but the Trump Administration just played the media like the chumps they are...
We need to stop playing this game with the right wing. They elected a president who publicly mocked disabled people during his campaign speeches. Who gives a shit what the right wing thinks. All that matters is dismantling right wing power as quickly as we can. Vote. Ignore right wing distractions. It’s the only…
This is distraction. It’s them “beating us at our own game”. Ignore all the irrelevant bullshit and vote.
And so he goes begging in public.
He is looking weathered. I guess the evil is eating him from the inside out.
I’m sure all these motherfuckers booing hispanics are going to mow their own lawn this weekend.
“Any Hispanics in the room? Just wondering because I’m going to call ICE and have you deported” -trump
Both privileges need to go away.
I hope and pray they get rid of carpool privileged for electric vehicles in the SF/Bay Area. There are so many single drivers in the carpool lane slowing things down unnecessarily. Its pointless and works against what the carpool lane is there for in the first place.
it’s not like solar and wind are truly major contributors on a national scale.