
If they don’t vote (when they are of legal age), then they can fuck off. The end. Thats all I can about in regard to these kids.

Jesus fucking christ. This isn’t Tumblr. You don’t have to be outraged all the time.

Calling someone a monkey is calling them un-evolved.

Sorry, but that bullshit. Monkey is a racist term. Its even a specific racist term Germans use during soccer matches against anyone who is brown or black.

The president of the USA is being successfully trolled by a porn star. 2018 yo.


Hollywood movie incoming...

Reality TV Show America. Welcome. You want controversy? You want drama? You want crime? Sex? War? Human misery? We’ve got so much of it all the time you won’t be able to stand it. Literally.

No people should be excited to become a minority in their homeland. It is contrary to human nature. I wouldn’t expect it of any race and I don’t think it should be expected of whites.”

“I admit to being racist by today’s standards, but I also think almost everyone is racist by today’s standards,” she wrote.

Is sacrificing dozens of innocent people belonging to an oppressed and enslaved race without their consent, to save thousands of people who were the ones that enslaved and oppressed them in the first place the greater good?

Yep. The fact that Putin is white makes him good enough for the American right wing.

Whataboutism, komrade.

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Free pizza.

Apparently, trumps number one fear in life is that Melania finds out about the Pee Tapes. Any time Daddy Putin is not happy, trumps anxiety spins out of control.

Youll need to write down your answers because you will not remember them, as they make no logical sense.

So if Billy Mitchell’s highpoint achievement is sad, TheTSelby’s life highpoint must be excruciatingly tragic.

The New Yorker’s Adam Davidson reminds us that the recordings, documents, and devices seized from Cohen will reveal more about ties to large money-laundering schemes which have been well-reported, if less sensationalized.