
Forty-two percent of Americans approve of Trump, up seven points since February for no discernible reason. That is... a lot... of people! God bless America!

Anderson Cooper: you thought that there would be some sort of legal repercussion if you didn’t sign it?

Confirms my theory that therapists are screwed up people looking to fix themselves by fixing other people.

And assholes...

Also most hated aspect of Netflix navigating: The expanding square thing. You mouse over the movie square and it pops up, expanding to twice its size. I hate that. I’m just scrolling through the movies and the mouse over pop ups are making me sea sick.

Nothing more unAmerican than a republican. Harsh, but true.

Don’t underestimate the right wings ability to bury its own head firmly up its own ass.

Also the “getting thrown under the bus” thing.

Grow the fuck up, kid.

lol. Then go away.


Ok, so I’m confused. He had drugs on his taint?

How do you feel about raiding the home of a 7o year old and then sending them to a country theyve never lived in?

This gif is the best thing to come out of Jersey Shore.

How can Bill Cosby get a fair trial when there are anti-rape people out there!11!!

Oh, yes.

McDougal also told Cooper that Trump offered to pay her after sex. “After we had been intimate, he tried to pay me, and I actually didn’t know how to take that,” she said.

I don’t know why people think that trump and ivanka have a weird relationship...

officialseanpennOKAY, FINE. I’ll admit it. I’m slightly turned on by Ben Affleck’s gigantic, full color, midlife crisis back tattoo of a Phoenix? Very Lisa Frank. Love the way the phoenix’s tail wraps around his dadbod love handles and (I’m guessing) ends on his left butt cheek. Truly sexy.

When software developer Dylan McKay went and downloaded all of his data from Facebook, he was shocked to find that the social network had timestamps on every phone call and SMS message he made in the past few years