
This is “right wing 101" now: Lie by omission, because its impossible to spin the truth.

I only got through half of the first episode. Got bored and thought I would come back to it later. Never did.

Seriously, its why people who are fascinated by and collect guns creep me out. By comparison, knife collectors can be seen as a bit creepy too, but at least knives have a multitude of uses besides stabbing people. But, guns are designed and created to do literally one specific thing: End life. They have no other

More Chicago hate emanating from the increasingly jealous West Coast. Yawn. New York has always ignored us, but you LA types have gone batshit crazy since your heroes were unmasked as rapists.

It’s hard to cut through the noise these days but someone’s gotta do it.


Valhalla? Oh man, Thor Ragnarok was a good movie. Oh, but Batman’s cool too...

This sh*t falls on all of us. Period. The fact that we have allowed people like this to be on TV and allow them to entertain us and give them a ‘viable platform’ and the ability to be in a real position of power or to just cash in on it. Frankly we deserve people like this, because we are all people like this.


Totally. Every genius business man knows that high turn-over rate is the sign of a hugely successful business.

The shooter had an AR-15 as well.

Jeff Sessions says you are a criminal for smoking pot, but you can get a gun.

The NRA profits from the deaths of American citizens. Of course they dont’t want regulations on guns. We regulate cars more than we regulate the devices specifically designed to end life.

It makes the cop look like even more of a thug than he already does.

Dude, you know you are full of it. You know that there is a very long history of white people calling black people “animals” to denegrate them. Stop pretending you dont. It makes you look ignorant.

Pick up artists will never not be creepy as fuck.

Tiffany Haddish does not represent “the race”, she reps Tiffany Haddish.

lol troll

OK, everybody stop, because you’re arguing over shit you clearly don’t understand, and it’s making bunny cry.

Because they use slave labor.