That cheating asshole. You have a right to be upset because he tricked you.
That cheating asshole. You have a right to be upset because he tricked you.
Hey Jezzies, on Monday I have my first meeting with a divorce lawyer. This may get contentious and the cost is scaring me. But my ex is expecting me to roll over like I always used to, because he was ‘always right’, and I can't do that anymore. How I still hate that phrase. Anyways, any words of advice would be…
Thanks for sharing your story. It’s so easy to judge people with illnesses related to excessive drinking, partly because of the (real, and very strong) social stereotype of the no-good, wastrel drunk, and partly because many of us have had addicts in our lives and been hurt by their behaviors. Because of these two…
Yes! We were meant to be home in a Saturday night, posting on the Internet.
That’s EXACTLY how I fucked it up before. I got used to sober life and thought “I can just be chill about it,” but within two weeks, it was back to putting down a bottle of wine every night.
Thank you so much fort akin. The time to encourage me. I will look into SMART right away. AA didn’t jive with me. Telling me I’m “powerless” does not sit well, especially when I feel like I’m taking the power back. I’m a stone-cold atheist, so hearing that it’s all in the hands on a “higher-power” is not comforting