
The camera work is exactly the same as the scene when she takes a 5 minute power nap in the Mesa Verde parking lot. Jimmy also points out that she pulled an all-nighter; she asks for more coffee; and there's a box of 'No-Doz' in her car during the oil rig scene. Definitely fell asleep at the wheel.

They should boycott life.

Says the schmuck who hasn't even seen it yet.

I know this thread is two years old, but I really enjoy reading your posts (not to mention ZoeZ, pw, ZMF, and others too). There's a dearth of thematic analyses and recaps of The Shield so this had become my go-to spot for the rewatch.

Frey pie anyone?

Loving these great write-ups as I just started rewatching the series from season 1. What an amazing show!