
what is money? numbers written down on paper with expensive ink and process, been through a lot as he said i could kind of relate to it why does my happiness
and well being depend on numerals?, did we get too smart and end up dumb, go hungry for a day or so and have no one to help then you’ll understand but asides this

what is money? numbers written down on paper with expensive ink and process, been through a lot as he said i could kind of relate to it why does my happiness
and well being depend on numerals?, did we get too smart and end up dumb, go hungry for a day or so and have no one to help then you’ll understand but asides this

what is money? numbers written down on paper with expensive ink and process, been through a lot as he said i could kind of relate to it why does my happiness
and well being depend on numerals?, did we get too smart and end up dumb, go hungry for a day or so and have no one to help then you’ll understand but asides this

what is money? numbers written down on paper with expensive ink and process, been through a lot as he said i could kind of relate to it why does my happiness
and well being depend on numerals?, did we get too smart and end up dumb, go hungry for a day or so and have no one to help then you’ll understand but asides this