
I’m a Journeyman Ironworker out of Local 709 Savannah Ga. January 20 @ 1159 I quit my job building a DOE/NNSA fuel processing facility. I couldn’t fathom even technically working for Trump for 1 minute. I had a new job Monday @ 0600. I can afford to put principles in front of paychecks because I work Union. Organize

When you put it like that, President Trump sounds like a guy who must have been extremely successful in the business world.

There is nothing fucking dumber than resurrecting dead industries and trying to force those products on the open market. There is no way Comrade Bankruptsky Casinovich and his Russian Navy cabinet get re-elected.

Boom! You nailed it! PA job numbers are down 160K because of the energy price dip. I am surrounded by wells, none of them producing and the hicks who relied on their royalties and spent it on ridiculous cars and homes they can’t afford are now fucked! The desperation exhibited by these people led to a Trump

God, the schadenfreude will be palpable if NFL owners end up paying for a new San Diego stadium after the publicly-funded option was soundly rejected. Perhaps this will embolden municipalities everywhere.

In other words: The Los Angeles thing turned out precisely how everyone outside the NFL thought it would.

The thing about having kids is that you end up programmed to always feel a little sorry for people who have to distract their kids from something they don’t want them to see; even Ivanka Trump.

Suskind later confirmed it.

Bullshit. Joe Jackson is a no talent hack who only got to where he did by exploiting his children’s talents with no regard for their well being. He has no place being elected to the hall of fame.

Pittsburgh called the Yankees to gauge their interest. Yankees said they might be in another 2 or 3 years perhaps.

Racist Trump supporters really are the shittiest people in the world.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

karma’s a nasty lady. 

He intentionally tossed the guy’s phone on the ground when it would have been just as easy to toss it into the car. That is doing something wrong. Unless you subscribe to the worldview that revenge is an appropriate and ethical act, in which case I hope you don’t own any firearms.

This is why NFL ratings are in the trash. Because shit officiating is literally changing the outcome of games, so what’s the point of watching if you know bad calls will screw your team over and the best you can hope for is an “ooops we screwed up,” the next day?

Well she is the 1%, so...

MLS, a bullshit soccer league more invested in protecting its owners from the forces of competition than in producing top-level competition on the pitch.

There is little doubt in my mind that the market would crash on Wednesday if he was elected on Tuesday.

idk, the contents of this seem to be less about a dude who sees Putin hiding behind every slight or perceived slight and more about a mentally ill dickhead who would be blaming the Reptiloids or the Jews if his bean was bent just a teeny bit differently.

More interested to see next week’s ratings...