
In 3 episodes time Glenn will crawl out from under Negan’s boot.

They could have pulled this off so much better by killing Abraham last season, putting everyone off guard under the idea that “hey they killed a main character but not the one we expected.” Leaving you to wonder how the rest were getting out of this, and then OPENED with Glenn becoming roadkill.

I think glenn is coming back from this one. I have a feeling.

Law could not be reached for further comment.

Phil Mushnick isn’t going to need any Cialis this weekend

The NFL needs to market the hell out of this.

Sideshow Bob + the guy from Memento=

They should have called it Hurricane Thanks Obama.

I have zero insight or opinion into James Broadnax’s guilt or innocence. But I believe with every fiber of my being that he should not be executed. No civilized society should be complicit in the act of killing any of its citizens. This is not an argument that every human being is redeemable or anything like that.

Montenegro, please

Speaking as a psychologist, I can assure you that Binge Eating Disorder amongst men is a very, very real and common concern. Your reductionism of this disorder is only perpetuating the very stigma that Joey Julius is trying to combat.

I am a geek. Instead of watching Champions League yesterday, I watched the LFC U23 team play Wolfsburg. Woodburn is going to be awesome. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him get a match with the senior team next year at 17 years old. He’s that good.

Bill went to Stone Mountain, GA (birthplace of the modern Klan) and stood in front of a bunch of mostly black prisoners, alongside two GA congressmen known for their racist views, to drum up support for that crime bill. Now I know Hillary =/= Bill, but when that shit happened did she maybe try to council him that

I wasn’t crying! Chalk flew up!

“We think you’re shittier than Florida” is about the strongest burn I’ve ever heard of.

now that I think about it, blaming Powell (I can imagine her thinking she hasn’t cut short a potential future career trajectory, his public service days are behind him so he’s fair game as fodder) is an awful lot like Daisy Buchanan willing to claim Gatsby was at the wheel.

she was willing to basically sell a recommendation letter for a rich associate’s child. i think that’s a good indication of how much her word is worth.

You’re comparing file retention to discriminatory housing practices?

One of those things is more evil than the other...by far.

He’s only 35????????!?!?!??!?!