Oh, come on, be fair. She ALSO uses her cheekbones!
Oh, come on, be fair. She ALSO uses her cheekbones!
I totally don't blame you! May the rest of your pregnancy go smoothly, and your new arrival sleep through after no more than three weeks.
I'm a US expat in the UK, and the maternity care I received over here is the #1 reason I recently turned down a high-paying job back in the States. I'm hoping to have a second kid next year and want to do it under the watchful eyes of the awesome team of pros working out of Birmingham Women's Hospital, thanks.
Oh, so that's what a "Skrillex" looks like: Corey Feldman dressed as Edward Scissorhands' bookish kid brother.
It smells like manly toilet cleaner.
He looks like a zit about to come to a head.
I was scrolling down the page and seriously thought that was Nicolas Sarkozy, not Kirk Cameron.
My poor mother's been having a crappy couple of days. She LOVES hummingbirds, and called me up about fifteen minutes after I sent this to her— a PA to UK call. "I needed that," she sobbed.
You know what, you're right. I have nothing against slime molds, so I apologize to them. Although I'm still not sure about their world view...
"2. Those little poopie particles that stick to our dogs' butt-fur after particularly copious dumps."
Yes, the penis is what I meant to make reference to... however, I don't really know if I want proof of that.
"Santorum is basically Michele Bachmann with a penis and much, much uglier clothes."
Yeah, a "carefree, simpler, and more innocent" time when a married woman couldn't get a credit card in her name or buy a major appliance without her husband's written permission.
Hooray! Hooray!
I'm the mother of a toddler and I HATE, HATE, HATE potty-training sharing to any degree. Your kid's a small person who deserves privacy and respect, not a pet or a consumer product you show off. The only people who need to know about your kid's bowel habits are those he lives with or visits on a regular basis, so they…
To be fair, he prefers "out of control married sex machines". Like himself.
I had horrible reactions to the latex sockets on my goggles the first year I was a swimmer— red, puffy, itchy rings of scales around my eyes were the result. I found that putting Vaseline on my face not only eased the itchiness but prevented the chlorine making it worse.
Keith Richards, you should put some aloe on that sunburn.
She was in last year's list, as mentioned above.