It's also on iPhone. I like the updated look. []
It's also on iPhone. I like the updated look. []
Dawww... I'd buy these only because Angry Birds plushes seem too mainstream now. Also they aren't as cute.
I've always found it weird that our culture deems the female nipple as something private while looking exactly the same as a male nipple. Like the fact that an entire boob can be exposed with just the nipple covered. I'm not being perverse, it's always been a curious topic to me. Maybe I'm just being immature.
I'd point out Aaron Staton/Cole Phelps (and everyone else in L.A. Noire), but that's kinda a bit of a cheat. Still very impressive mo-cap/voice-acting in my book.
I try not to watch ANYTHING in 3D, unless it becomes highly recommended.
Assuming that's the thingy where the judge sits, I don't remember it being so big.
you mean such boxes exist? Wow. My pizza places must be living in the past. This is so cool a box.
I loved this. I'm wondering why it hasn't been implemented yet.
I know it doesn't count, and it it not what you mean, but Virtual Console titles have a wee little 3D layering effect when you hold SELECT when you load the game up. It layers the GBC and GB face over it.
You punched me in the boob!
Here's mine for this week. []
That was horrible. The crash takes too long to be realistic (which doesn't look to be the point of CRASH!). Granted, this isn't a full-fledged Burnout title, but c'mon... there's iOS/Flash games that do the same. And you didn't even blow up the Pizza Truck.
My obsessive-compulsion has brought me to 1300+ total app purchases, with 300 on my iPhone. The best part is, I've only paid for about 40 for them. I'm not jailbroken, the rest are obtained legally through the app store when developers drop their stuff free. It's like an itch.
We can see how slow it really is. Look how the man has aged!
What about Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver and the Pokéwalker? Technically, doesn't require going outside, but it's still pretty good.
Wow. Just, wow. That's a brilliant idea.
Why does it say "ass" between "one" and "two"?