Good question! I believe they were willed to his longtime on-again/off-again girlfriend who had a bunch of land and a son who had helped my uncle for several years with the llamas.
Good question! I believe they were willed to his longtime on-again/off-again girlfriend who had a bunch of land and a son who had helped my uncle for several years with the llamas.
My family originates from Irish peasant stock, which contributes to a somewhat no-nonsense attitude to death. When I was about six, my grandfather died in Ireland. Far-flung sons, daughters and their families gathered for the funeral.
Oh GOD, I’ve just remembered the one my sister told me about the boy she had a crush on at High School. Bear with me, it’s a long one. It’s also a wee bit painful.
My friend did not have a wake, she had a Martini Party in her memory a month after she died. The direction to have this party was in her will, along with the guest list for the party. She was just a lifelong wicked pissah (as they say in MA), so the eulogies (helped by tee many martoonis) devolved into hilarity - just…
“The summer before I turned 13 my boobs came in and my uncle died.”
This is kinda triggering for me, bc we are almost at the 30-year mark. It’s probably not funny, or strange, but it will be cathartic to write.
When my father died we put together a lovely memorial with lots of photos and music and my sister and I both spoke. My BIL played his guitar (he’s a pro) and did a beautiful version of “Amazing Grace” (which my father loved). I had lined up a bagpiper ( he REALLY loved bagpipes - actually had albums - vinyl records no…
The summer before I turned 13 my boobs came in and my uncle died. Because of my rapidly developing body, I didn’t have any clothes to wear to the funeral, so my mom had to take me clothes shopping. She would lose her patience with me pretty rapidly, so I ended up buying a ton of ill-fitting grey items and a bra (for…
My great uncle was a llama rancher for most of his life; never married, just ALL LLAMAS, ALL THE TIME.
When my son passed away, he was 14 months old and a friend had brought his young daughter up from KY for the funeral. It was late January and she had never seen snow so she started doing snow angels and playing in the snow at the cemetery. The other kids who were there were looking at their parents for the same…
Disclaimer: not meant to be funny.
Alright, I obviously was not there, but this is one of the best funeral/memorial stories I’ve heard to date:
I suspect that I shocked people last week by going full Florida. Never go full Florida.
FTW: my husband and I went to our former boss’ mother’s funeral. After his sister read a ‘poem’ about their mother—which was just a ten minute long list of things she liked (She liked the color blue. She liked smoking cigarettes...)- our former boss stepped to the front of the room and hit play on a small, old school…
My father friend died a few years ago. He told everyone that he wanted a clown at his funeral.
And now I’ve won pissing contest twice, Madeline! And my one post got starred over 1000 times! CAN I PLEASE BE OUT OF THE GREYS NOW?!
It is very white, though. And I say this as a white girl. It’s very white to speak out against our own oppression (as females or LGBT or whatever) and then shut down women of color when they talk about the intersectional oppression of being a black female, or a black member of the LGBT community. It’s best for us to…
Honestly, you seem insane and borderline illiterate. Everyone on this thread is trying to explain that to you.
Did you read what Kara wrote? Because this response, too, is also very white...
When I was going to be a freshman in college my mom randomly told the Best Buy sales associate (male, naturally) we were buying a computer from that I would be starting college as a virgin. “How often do you see that?” she asked. Probably never mom, or more one else in the history of ever has thought…