
Greg Proops is a dyed-in-the-wool radical progressive fop. Sure, he wears suits and consumes vodka like it’s his lifeblood. But he believes that the revolution should be led by women, and he’s stumping for Hillary like it’s his job. Also, his primary business partner and creative muse is his own wife. There is nothing

Totally agree. That said, not all inexpensive wine is shitty. Since I drink wine pretty much every night, I try to stay in the $12 - $16 range (I think things get dicey with anything less than $10), if you stick with varietals like Malbec, Rioja, cotes du Rhone, etc, you can find some pretty nice wines, whereas you

This is so so beautifully written and expressed. The option B part had me crying. Good for her for being so strong and for being so open. It can only help.

SAY THAT AGAIN! Only buying cheap wine is like only eating the cheapest fast food or only buying the cheapest clothes. We all have budgets, but none of these things add true value to your life and don’t save you that much money. In some cases, it costs more to be cheap.

Let me also add that developing good taste means

Life is too short to drink shitty wine. It really is.

I check jezebel all day long too, which is why I am disappointed when a much anticipated update is another Amy Schumer clip of a show I literally just watched.

Yes, I mean, I just feel like there’s a new article about Amy Schumer every other day. She’s funny, her skits are funny, and definitely worth watching and writing about. I just think it’s too much. It’s overwhelming. There’s too much.

Can we stop issuing articles at every funny Amy Schumer skit? We all watch the show. Just stop.

Unhealthy Malnourished Holocaust Skeleton

Greg’s a republican, besides that he is perfectly good, so which do you like more the republican or the sexual werido (yes i know it’s odd those two things aren’t combined in this instance

My husband’s uncle is a pilot and used to make extra money towing messages when he was younger - my favorite story of his is of the time some rich guy hired him to fly along the beach in the Hamptons towing a sign saying what a dick some other rich guy was. For hours.

Yeah, I don’t get it either. Amy Poehler gushes about him in her book, is clearly friends with him, and she seems to be a good person... Why not tell it like it is? What stake does she have in this? Maybe it’s a case of “he’s never treated me like that, so it’s fine by me”. Anyway, if it’s true, gross.

So why isn’t somebody with more juice than Louis CK coming out about this? If it’s that well known, Seinfeld, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, etc. could do something about it.

At a very corporate job I had once, I had the opportunity to work very closely with one of the more “likeable” and “popular” guys in my department. So I studied him to see what he had that I didn’t, as I’ve always had issues being an outlier and “the office weirdo.” Eventually it became clear that what he had that I

Yeah I’ve wondered about how far you have to take faking it and when do you begin betraying the core of who you are vs. getting along. No one wants to be in high school past the age your are actually in high school, but sometimes you need to do it? If everyone at your new job is into crossfit, should you go just to be

I’m in the same boat as you. I’m quiet and apparently pretty unlikeable. But then I really don’t see what I do differently from the “likeable” quiet people at work. It is definitely going to adversely affect my career very soon.

True, you can’t make people see you as an extrovert if you’re not (and I tried). But if my boss tells me that I need to smile, and I have had such bosses, I will put aside my pride and put a smile on my face. I can’t afford to blithely quit jobs.

I agree but to a certain extent you can’t manipulate how other see you. I hate to talk about being a “minority” again, but there are people who won’t consider me likeable or strike up a friendship with me because they assume things about my character, or are upset when there assumptions are not true. It can be

I like the basic idea here, but the truth is that a lot of your success in life depends on how people see you. I lost the best job I ever had because my boss thought I lacked energy and bemoaned my introverted qualities. I can’t afford to let my true self out in my public life because people in my working life haven’t

Just when you thought Chuck Johnson’s moment in the limelight was over. I won’t even resort to an insult about him, as he’d probably just masturbate furiously about it.