
Eh, if you let fans of media ruin something for you you’ll never enjoy anything. I hate the tumblrization of Doctor Who but I still watch it. Never let someone else be a gatekeeper for you.

It occurred to me last week that Matthew Weiner tricked all the bros I went to college with into watching a show about feminism for 7 years. We all got our first jobs in 2008 and these guys thought they would spend their time in the office getting drunk and laid. I wonder if/when it finally dawned on them that Don was

So that’s the standard? I'm against the death penalty, but while its on the books, this little child murdering, cop killing, piece of shit certainly fits the bill.

I was reading a summary on yesterday’s court proceedings, and my understanding — which could totally be wrong — is that in this case, the jury wasn’t asked whether they thought he deserved to die, but rather they had to all agree that the death penalty was an appropriate sentence for at least one of his charges.

Yeah that’s the gross thing. Not the mother fucking act of fucking terrorism and the loss of lives and limbs

I am against the death penalty myself, but if someone believes in it I’m not sure why 14 hours is somehow worse than deciding to do it in 24 hours or 36 hours.

I walked by my boss’s door and told him and he said “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” I am literally never leaving this job.

I get your opposition to his sentence, but don’t weep for him. He doesn’t give a fuck.

Bye Felicia!

Of course there is a correct spelling for “whoa.” The word is hundreds of years old. Seriously. 15th century, doc. Not invented by Keanu.

The only thing sadder than this race to be Jezebel’s #1 commenter are the sycophants and ass-kissers that inevitably rise up around them.

Also, boo, putting Doctor in quotes after Fake is a double negative. It should be That “Fake Doctor” Yoga Nerd MD. Thanks for quoting me.

I don’t dislike you. I just kind of don’t believe you. But who cares what I think?

I wouldn’t say that, but your continual need for attention might get you outed over at GOMI.

You tell me how a “doctor” spends all day bullshitting on the Internet. I’m hardly saving lives in my job and I get a burst of freedom just once every few weeks, which I spend questioning everything on Jezebel for a few hours before disappearing again.

that fake doctor

Yeah, I’ve seen your comments too, girl. You are so creepy I thought you were a parody account.

Just calling it like I see it.

Word salad. You take everything seriously in your desperate attempt to be Jezebel’s #1 commenter. I think that fake doctor is beating you, though.

By all means insert yourself into this discussion, adultosaur, because your lowercase attention struggles are so very real.