It sounds alright... If you’re tone deaf.
It sounds alright... If you’re tone deaf.
Just because I’m talking about a black man makes it racist? Being an asshole isn’t exclusive to skin color in my experience, but you know what, if you want to hate me for an imagined insult go ahead.
Full disclosure: I sit on an HoA board and judging by some of the comments Im also a fascist. Probably a racist too since Im also a white guy. Now that Ive said Im a man I might as well add misogynist. I promise to get some therapy right away...
Personally, I don’t see why it’s anybody else’s business if I have a shed in my back yard or not. It’s my fucking house, I should be able to do with it as I please (withing the confines of the law). I’m of the attitude of if you want to start telling me what I can and can’t do with my house you can start paying my…
Non-HOA neighborhood. All the houses are different and older than the HOA areas nearby. One guy has horses, some have chickens. A guy has an RV garage. Everyone takes care of their stuff. HOA isn’t required for nice neighborhoods, just good people. Having an HOA does not promise good neighbors. Only difference is…
I think many of the people who responded to you missed your point. People seem to forget to look outside their own preconceived notions and accept that other people find different things important. I completely understand the idea of coming home after a long hard days work to a nice, clean, pretty neighborhood just as…
Is how much your property is worth all you people care about?
my issue is that i bought a townhome in a reasonable area with a reasonable hoa..... then 8 years later our president and 2 board members moved.... in moved a new guy that has turned our block into nazi germany. It sucks because you cant even voice a complaint or they’ll target you nonstop until you move or somebody…
Yeah sorry, HOAs were created to keep value up by keeping those pesky non-whites out of the neighborhood, once they had a taste of power they morphed into the little dictatorships they are now. Canada gets by just fine without them.
Fuck that noise. I’ma go for the cheaper property where I can do with MY PROPERTY as I please, not what someone that isn’t paying my (unnecessarily high because of an HOA) mortgage says I can.
Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.
Or, you know, move to a neutral site ...
Hmmm. I’m not sure You understand the word lost. I see now that’s the breakdown. Poultry cheated.
Fuck these guys. Bring on the robots.
You talk too much. Of course the official didn’t know where the ball was. It was lost. Your logic makes no sense - an official can only say a ball is lost if he knows where it is? Well, then it’s not lost! Poultry is a cheater. This will follow him.
Oh. Because the actual sources show the official was right to declare it lost until Poultry threw a tantrum and cheated! Official was right. Poultry cheated.
Now you’re lying. The whole point is that after 5 minutes the official said the ball was lost. That’s literally what this whole thing has been about. You don’t seem to be a good person.
Was the ball in the hazard? No? Oh. So it was lost? Yes? Great. Thanks!
By your statement there could never be a lost ball. Because it would be found hahaha.
Oh. But the official said otherwise. Poultry cheated.