
Ditching Tulip was the wise thing to do every time if you follow Jesse's point of view. Her view is also understandable but it hits a wall when she gets into the "just because I'm a woman you think I need protection" shit because Jesse so clearly states that that is not the case. As for Hoover… Well, he was trying

Oh shit that's right, I remember that now. Good. That gives me some hope. Not enough hope, but some.

That's one of them. Jesse has a few rants about how that sort of thinking is bullshit. And imo he's 100% correct. Including the part about needing to get laid.

Aww, you missed it.

You forgot to mention their insecurity, gotta get all that shit in there.

Remove toxic.

I dunno, Arseface WAS an asshole before the shotgun thing.

Is The Boys going to be on HBO or something? AMC is far too tame to handle those sort of shenanigans.

There's way too much unnecessary hostility between Jesse and Tulip that just wouldn't be happening if they were more faithful to the source.

Even Butcher was a good person. Everyone in The Boys was a saint compared to the supes.

That seems like a way more acceptable God than the one in the Preacher comic.

I'm not missing the point, your point is bullshit.

So did you miss the Canadian Trump episode?

If you think that, you didn't pay too much attention to the show. They treated Trump as what he is, a joke. A joke that should have never gone this far. A joke people brought upon themselves. They didn't want Trump to win, and that's clear. They also didn't want Clinton to win, but didn't let political sides sway

The internet is not real life. I don't get why that's such a hard thing to understand.

He channels dead crazy people, remember?

This is the greatest season of the greatest show ever made, live action or animated. Nothing beats Venture Bros. Hopefully this season isn't as short as the last. Not a fan of how they went from 12-14 eps a season down to 7 + specials.

Through comic book, no. But it's pretty much the same as Team Venture episodes. Reminds me of a less twisted version of The Boys, in a way.